I Love You, Castiel Novak

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This is Video Recording Number One.

Hey, Cas. It's me...

The doctors told me that you're not going to wake up for a while. Something about- something about a nerve. They can fix it but it's going to take a lot of mon-.... time. It's going to take a lot of time to heal.

Your brothers came as soon as they heard. I told them everything. Micheal is mad at me, but I understand why.

I will wait for you.


Video Recording Number Ten.

Hello Cas.

It's me again. The doctors keep telling me that you're doing good. I brought some of your shirts from home today... the whale one? Yeah.

Lucifer hasn't left your room. He hasn't said anything for days. Micheal can barely get him to shower and he rarely sleeps.

I'm sorry.


Video Recording Number Twenty-Seven.

Hi Cas.

It's almost been a month since the crash.

Bee and I miss you. They make me go home at night since I'm not immediate family...

It's too quiet.

I'm scared that I'm forgetting the sound of your voice. Your laugh. I only hear it in my dreams, but it's not the same...

I miss you.


Video Recording Number Seventy-Six.

Hi Cas.

I sold the house today. It was too quiet.

A family lives there now. They have a son. His name is Adam. He has blue eyes like yours.

I can't wait until you can come home. I want to paint your room yellow. It has the cutest little window in the corner. I think you'll love it.

There's a garden in the back. Bee and I planted lilacs and honeysuckles. I read that they attract bees.

I can't wait for you to come home.

Video Recording Number One Hundred and Sixteen.

Happy Birthday Cas.

We all came to see you at the hospital, I still come everyday...

I tried not to cry again today... I promise I really did try.

It's been almost four months since I saw you smile... It's been four since I have too... A real smile at least.

A lot has changed since you've been awake.

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