What's the Proposal?

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-A little while later-

It didn't take long for Bee to get tired and come crawling back to my feet, her head laid gently on my foot with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. After Dean mentioned the day of the accident, our conversation had pretty much dissipated into a few "look at that dog" or other short answer responses. I was too busy thinking and Dean was most likely recalling the strange marks. However, no matter how much he wants to know or doesn't, he never mentions anything, and I'm grateful for that.

"We should probably get going if we want to meet Sam and Gabe on time," Dean suggests, reaching to replace the clasp of the leash on Bee. "The Trickster's is about twenty minutes give or take, and rush hour traffic will be en route. Not to mention we should probably stop home to change."

"Sounds good. I've never been to it, so it'll be a new experience I guess," I reply reaching to take the leash, but instead my hand brushes Dean's and he doesn't give me the end. I attempt to play it off and bend down to pet Bee before starting to walk to the gate towards the Impala.

"Baby is gonna need a bath soon," Dean states making me turn to look at the black car. With the evening sun glinting off the hood, I realize just how much it needs a wash. It's so unlike Dean not to have the car washed, especially out in public.

"Yeah we'll have to hose her down before we head out for Kansas City in two days."

"We could just go to a car wash," he suggests and I can only behind to imagine the last time I was in one. It was only a few months after the accident when Micheal took the car through a wash at a gas station. As soon as the wipers came down, I couldn't breathe. The mental image of being trapped inside the car was too much to handle and we quickly found out my fear of tight spaces. I guess spending an hour trapped in a hot, metal cage was such a traumatic event that I'll never truly have a normal life.

Dean must notice my change because he quickly backpedals and offers to just hand wash it tonight after dinner. I agree to the plan and take the keys from his outstretched hand.


When we pull into the parking lot, Sam's car already sits outside with the Gabriel lounging on the hood while Sam on-looks the idiot. Despite the name, The Trickster's is actually a pretty fancy restaurant. 'Maybe that's the trick Cas.' I smile to myself. Dean and I both stopped home and put on a nicer pair of cloths while also putting Bee's vest on.

"Cassie!" Gabriel instantly grins when he sees us, but it widens when he sees Bee. My family all know that Dean had gotten me a service dog, but they all had yet to get around to meeting the newest member to the Winchester-Novak family. I would have assumed that Luci would have been the first to meet her due to his love of furry, small animals, but Gabe was a close second.

"Hi-ya Sammy," Dean instantly beams. It has to be an order sibling thing to use embarrass the hell out of their younger siblings, that or it's a secret agreement between Gabriel and Dean, which I don't doubt.

"Hey Dean," Sam responds and turns to nod at me, "Castiel. It's good to see you guys."

"I feel like it's been forever!" Gabe smiles. He seems strangely happier today, granted he is probably on a sugar high from all the candy that his diet consists of. "What's fracking bro, how you livin'?"

I shrug and Dean just chuckles. 'It's probably some sort of reference that I don't understand.' Before I can formulate a response, Dean answers for us. "Nothin' much actually. We're heading to that pride rally in Kansas City on Saturday for the parade and some meet and greets on both days."

"Sounds cool. I'm surprised Dean talked you into it Cas. He's been talking about taking you to one every since the whole 'fake boyfriends' thing started," Sam says and I uncomfortably cross my arms over my chest.

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