Just your Luck(Unedited)

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Originally you thought It was just a fragment of your imagination. Of course not That's just not your luck , Is it? No it wasn't you were being watched your every move followed by Eyes. Then voices inside the wall or to be more clear A Voice. It has seen Everything at this point hasn't it? Wouldn't surprise you not one bit. Sometimes it stole from you simple things like a ring or bracelet you would never notice was missing. Of course you haven't noticed until when it poured everything on your head through the vent as you were in the shower.  Now you were chained up in the ' Time Out Room'.  You had tried to escape the thing and as you can clearly see  you Failed.  You lived in that house for your whole entire life It knew that as much as you do.  You want out. You want out now , but that was not your luck.  No one even knew of you existence that didn't live in the household. It knew that as well.  The thing you knew about it was it was fond of you Very Fond Of You.  It had Some human traits or appearance In a Odd way.  It Eats Human Flesh. How do you know? That thing tried to feed you some chunks of liver and heart. It Is inhumanly tall and alien eyes. If anything that's what you would call it Alien. It had four arms something that Humans don't have it also seems to retract them. The worse or most irritating part of it is it learned Your Name. It sounded like a broken record ..or a Pokemon but instead of its name it says yours. It rarely shows itself besides to..feed and give affection to you. It did the second one A lot. When you angered it for the first time..it Truly was terrifying to say at the least so Now Its Pissed off and wont give you food and pouts inside the hallow walls. All because you wouldn't give it a kiss You blame the staff for letting it watch romance movies. " Y/n!! Y/n, Y/n Y/n"you roll your eyes as it called for you. You had forgot to mention it would switch to looking female to male. You suppose that was for mating back where it was From. Right now it was Female. Than it hit you. If it was changing genders , and if that's how it did find its mate did that mean it was trying to appeal to you? You looked at it the eye contact made it freeze. You chuckled a bit.  Of course it did That's just your luck. " Do you need anything Clover?" After you spoke to it without annoyance in your voice. Clover took that as A ' Yes' to being their Mate. That's just your luck, Isn't it?

Wow a new year 2019  hope you enjoyed ~

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