The Dark.

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Your feet hit the cold concrete floor,  some water that had leaked into the basement splashed as you ran through it.  Your heartfelt as if it was going to explode against your chest. The worst part was you couldn't hear it.  it never made a sound, not that you've noticed.

Biting your lip you questioned where you even where, you thought you did but now you weren't so sure. It was playing with you, like a cat with a mouse. You didnt know when it was going to kill you but your were almost certain that it will.

You took a left turn, you couldn't be sure this was the same basement from before. It wasn't this large...or you thought it wasn't. Hearing a slight splash not to far from you ,you stop and hold in your breath, trying to listen to any slight noise.

You felt like you were going to vomit from the stress. What is happening , you don't know. That last thing you remember is your friend forcing you to some party, and you were dared to go into the basement,  without any source of outside light. You could just barely see two feet infront of you.

You heard nails dragging against the concrete wall. You didnt want to move, you didn't know if it knew you were there.

Though, you soon found out. As sharp nails dug into your arm...

You woke up at the start of your journey, standing at the bottom of the stairs. You felt as if you weren't supposed to remember this. As if you weren't supposed to remember this was your own personal hell, not because you did some unforgivable sin, but because you were forced into it by your peers, they didn't know of course. Yet you still had the urge to send them down here with you. Though thats a little cruel.

You cringed as you heard the old radio play, and a soft glow of light came from a partiallu cracked door. It already knew you were here. However, now you can remember, remember how to possibly not die. Again, and again and again.  All you have to do, is not let it know.

You stepped closer to the door, uncertainty and an awful sense of familiarity washed over you as you peaked through the door. A lone sopha with a side table with a radio next to it was all you could see in the room.

"Welcome to the dark."

Uh, I have no idea... I found the first bit in my drafts but I couldn't remember what I was thinking at the time, so have whatever this is,
hope you enjoyed!

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