Summer mornings

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This is a werewolf x reader Woaaahh, Okay enough of that pronouns are she/ her, now onto the story...( Okay I like mention nothing of him being a werewolf  in the actual one-shot but he is, maybe I'll do something more with it)

The light from the morning sun hit your face, stirring you slightly. You groaned hiding your face in the plush gray pillow beneath you. You heard a familiar voice chuckle. two large arms wrapped themselves around your smaller form, you in return cuddled up to your boyfriend. A light smile tugged at your lips, opening your eyes you peaked up at him, his brown eyes met your e/c orbs. He pecked your forehead making you let out a small giggle. His messy dirty blonde hair fell across his eyes. He played with the rem of your black tank top, humming a small tune. You nuzzled into his chest, attempting to fall back asleep. However, your bothersome boyfriend poked you gently in the sides, giving a small glare he only returned it with a lopsided smile.

You lifted your head slightly to give him a quick kiss, before stretching and swinging your legs to the side of the bed. Getting up you gave out a yawn turning back to the adorable male who too was now up out of the bed. You gave another small smile before beginning to make the bed, once finished you glanced at the very much taller male beside you. " Nate, Do you feel like going out today?" Nate shook his head before ruffling your hair, he then yawned before going to the dresser rummaging through it looking for a suitable outfit for the day. You decided against changing and instead went downstairs. Wandering your way into the kitchen you opened the fridge to be welcomed with a splash of cold air. Grabbing the eggs and sausage you lay them on the counter.

Nate wandered down the stairs licking his lips as he smelt the aroma of breakfast. You yourself were swaying your hips to the music in your head. Once you finished the delicious meal you put down a plate for you and Nate, however, you once again you felt Nate wrap his arms around you. Resting his chin on your head. You hummed. " Nate we better eat before the food gets cold." He let go and sat down in his usual plate, picking up the fork in front of him he stabbed it through one egg and ate it whole. You shook your head and laughed. He swallowed his food before giving you a playful look. " Have anything to say to me Y/n?" You quickly shook your head before taking a bite out of your own food. 

After breakfast, you and Nate sat on your sofa cuddling and watching some show. Before you could react Nate laid on top of you, you attempted to shove him off laughing. but he laid his back on your side, in defeat you came up with a plan. You gave a dramatic sigh catching your heavy boyfriend's attention. " I guess I just won't cook anymore" A smirk was placed on your face as he quickly got up. He growled at you puffing out his tan cheeks. You chuckled and stood on your knees, leaning over you gave him another kiss. He kissed back, it was a sweet kiss nothing more nothing less. You adored summer mornings like this with Nate by your side everything felt at peace.

ohoho, I am done with this one, I hope you all are safe and well, I hope you enjoyed reading this Until next time!

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