A day in the life of Weiss

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Weiss is waking up at around five in the morning, about an hour after her husband YN. They go for a two mile run in the gym and they work out together and then they wash before having breakfast. That is where the shared activities in their day ends. YN goes to work and Weiss tends to her duties.

Weiss: I shall like to visit the countryside today.

Guard commander: very well your majesty, I will alert your honor guard as to this development.

Weiss: Thank you commander.

She then plays with Moltke whilst the guardsmen are readied.

Guard commander: Your motorcade is ready your majesty.

Weiss: Thank you.

Weiss is on her way to the motorcade when she is greeted by the flash of paparazzi cameras.

Weiss: You know that I don't like my photo taken without my permission, have the men see them off.

Guard commander: Consider it done your majesty.

The guardsmen then equip their truncheons and make ready.

The guardsmen then equip their truncheons and make ready

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The 476th elite guard AKA the empresses honor guard.

The 476th elite guard AKA the empresses honor guard

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Standard issue honor guard truncheon

The honor guard charge the paparazzi and most of them flee for their well being. The others had the living shit beaten out of them.
All in all about ten paparazzi were injured and two were seriously injured, ie concussed.

Weiss: I said see them off, not beat the living daylights out of them.

Guard commander: My most sincere and heartfelt apologies your imperial grand and divine majesty. I will be more cautious in the future.

Weiss: Well, they were on imperial property without permission, so you handled it as well as you should have.

Weiss then gets into her car and they drive to the countryside village of Mossinsburg.

About an hour into her journey she checked the various social media sources to see what they had to say about the little incident. Unsurprisingly it is a major thing, but surprisingly it isn't a problem. The media is almost unilaterally saying that courageous guardsmen rushed to the defense of our glorious empress. The entire populace is in support of the guardsmen and Weiss in this little incident. The only ones who are unhappy are unhappy because no medals have been awarded for the bravery of the guardsmen. It turns out that some of the paparazzi that escaped the monumental ass kicking that the guardsmen gave them were beaten and attacked by angry citizens who were shouting pro imperial and pro monarchy chants.

Weiss: (in head) Velvet must be turning the propaganda meter up to eleven on this thing. We should really give her a raise.

Guard commander: Your majesty, if you don't mind me asking, why wasn't there more public backlash?

Weiss: My husband has created an empire with the highest quality of life for most citizens in their respective classes. Their freedom, if they realize it or not, is the cost of that comfort. They gave up their understanding of the world in order to live safely and comfortably. They traded what they did and thought for what we want them to do and think. So I now ask you, what do you think of this sacrifice.

Guard commander: If it is what the emperor or empress wishes then it must be done. If the emperor or empress say it then it must be true.

Weiss: Indeed.

About another hour passed and Weiss finally reaches Mossinsburg. She gets out of the car and she then goes to the cafe to enjoy a nice coffee and a slice of cake. The guardsmen secured the perimeter and it seems rather out of the ordinary. Which it is, the village only has a population of four hundred people. If two hundred guardsmen equipped and ready for battle just roll into the village it is going to be alarming. Just think, that means 1 out of 3 people in that village is a soldier. Anyway people line up to see and possibly even meet the empress, someone who by the cult of personality they have been taught to worship as a goddess.

Weiss surprisingly, and to the alarm of her guards, even shared a drink with some of the citizens. She didn't even call them her subjects, she referred to them by their names. This continued for about two hours until she got back into her motorcade and went back to the Imperial palace. She then goes about most of her duties and then she has dinner with YN. Contrary to what you might think, they only eat with all the fancy baubles and decorations of the monarchy when they are entertaining guests for a party of specifically for dinner. They normally just eat some noodles and sushi and then they watch TV and eat ice cream. You know, normal things.

AN: Sorry that this took a while, I just didn't have time to write for long periods of time on this with my homework and other stories.

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