And the last domino falls

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AN: FYI, the original title was "And the last domino falls. Also some explanation on how the government and the armed forces are organized, in addition to how the economy continues to thrive." But there is an eighty character limit for the title.

YN was sitting with his family and advisors. There is a microphone in front of him. It is hooked up to all media outlets. He looked down at his hands and then up at the sky.

YN: I'm now fifty years old. I've been working to unify Remnant for the past thirty three years. And I'm not going to lie, those thirty three years, I wouldn't trade them for anything. Sure we made and lost friends throughout the years, Reinhardt, Christian, Isakovich, and many others. Millions have sacrificed a great deal for this moment. Hundreds of thousands, if not more have laid down their lives so that I, no, so that they could unify Remnant. As we are here today with a single document that will bring this crazy adventure to an end. As soon as I sign this, Mantle will join the empire and Remnant will stand under one banner. It is with this stroke of a pen that the world finally stands together, as one unified entity.
And to all the servicemen and women. When you are old, you can take your grandchild on your knee and tell them of how you helped build and empire that the sun will never set on. You can stand with pride because you know that you did what was right and you unified Remnant!

And with that, the radio broadcast is over. YN sits back in his chair and they hear cheering from the citizens outside the palace.
A small frown creeps onto YN's face.

YN: I fucked up.

Georgy: What do you mean?

YN: I don't have a hobby, and most of the army is going to be out of a job.

Moss: you could just use the armed forces for something else.

YN: That is a good idea. How about public works? Pave roads and build government buildings.

Moss: Just give the order.

YN: Before I do that I would like to promote the two of you.

Georgy: What do you mean?

YN: Georgy, you are now the Minister of the Army, and Moss, you are Minister of the Navy.

And just incase anyone was wondering, this is how the ranking system works



Assistant secretary


Assistant undersecretary

Deputy secretary

Assistant deputy secretary

Deputy assistant secretary

Aid to the deputy assistant secretary

Deputy undersecretary

Assistant deputy undersecretary

Aid to the assistant deputy undersecretary.

Provincial minister

Provincial secretary

Provincial assistant secretary

Provincial undersecretary

So on so forth.

Also there are many branches of the ministry. There is, agriculture, Navy, Army, commerce, travel, and about two dozen other divisions and each one has about a dozen subdivisions. For example the Navy has, the naval infantry, the actual navy, and the naval Air Force.
The Air Force is divided between both the Navy and the Army so they don't have a Air Force branch. Same thing with how the naval infantry are in the Navy despite them functionally being marines so they don't have an individual Marines branch.

Anyway YN has showered his children and high ranking officers, especially Moss and Georgy, with honorifics and rather expensive gifts. Mansions, plots of land, antiques and other luxuries. Gifts with a total cost of over two hundred million Lien.

AN: As I am pretty sure I mentioned earlier, I am using the conversion rate of one American dollar to every one Lien.

Anyway, you get the picture. Those at the top of the pyramid are living in excess. The average citizen lives the equivalent life to a person of the upper middle class in our own world. Even what one would consider lower class in the Imperium is what we would consider to be still ok economically.
However, this economic miracle comes at a high price. Millions of people who have been deemed "unnecessary" have been used as forced labor, worked to death in order to arm, clothe, and feed every single imperial soldier whilst their own clothes are just strings and they are emaciated husks. Now that there is no new enemy to fight, weapons production has died down. It is for that reason also that the commissars have been working overtime. They can hardly shoot them fast enough.
You might be thinking that there would be a massive outcry about how the prisoners are being treated.
You think that the average imperial citizen gives a shit about how the prisoners are treated? You might think so, only if this was the first chapter of this story you read. They believe that the prisoners are being treated kindly. And in all honesty, it's not due to lies. They know how the prisoners are treated and they see them as traitors and they believe that they should be killed outright.
Anyway one massive culling later, only the prisoners who farm food remain pretty much intact, the ones who make clothes suffered fifty percent killed, and every last one in weapons manufacturing was shot. All of those new jobs mean that there is more money in the economy and the average citizen earns about five to ten percent more income and that means more money in taxes for the government.
As the old saying goes, you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

AN: Don't worry, this won't be the last chapter in this book. I intend to cover the daily lives of most of the original main characters from RWBY.

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