Fighting over Mistral

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In the last chapter I forgot to mention these guys.

The 32nd Elite Assault Guard regiment, AKA the emperor's archangels

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The 32nd Elite Assault Guard regiment, AKA the emperor's archangels. They got their name due to the fact that they are the highest ranking combat troops. Exclusively combined of Vale born officers who passed extensive combat, survival, and physiological testing. They were also picked as the most loyal soldiers and the most adept.

Their final test of loyalty was when their loved ones would be put in a room. There was a vent in the top of the room and they were in a second room with a one way mirror to that room. They would then be given an envelope containing a letter signed by YN commanding them to pull a lever and flood the room with poison gas. Of course this was all fake. There was no danger to anyone involved. However the trainee wouldn't know this. To him it would be a choice between what he loved, and the emperor. If he pulled the lever he would be congratulated and he would join the 32nd Elite Assault Guards. If he didn't he would have his mind wiped from the past two days and he would join a lesser unit.

Anyway the 32nd Elite Assault Guards serve as the creme of the crop, the top dog, the pinnacle of soldiers. They are the finest and most loyal soldiers in the world. You can count on one of these guys to kick his way into a building, kill whoever is inside, and then kick his way out through the other way. In short, one of these guys could beat both Chuck Norris and Randy Savage in a two on one fight and come out with minimal injuries.

There was one case when one guardsman, Captain Kazibek, was stranded on an island infested with snakes, bears, and tigers. Kazibek managed to survive off of the meat from the animals and the boiled blood to drink.
When he was finally rescued after three months he brought all the furs which he tanned and presented to the emperor as an apology gift for being late when he was summoned explaining that his small plane was struck by lightning. The emperor fully accepted his apology but the guardsman wouldn't accept it. He proceeded to take off his belt and shirt and flog his own back until the blood stained the grass and he was too weak to flog himself. Only then did he accept the forgiveness of the emperor. Long story short, they know no fear as they walk through the valley because not even death dares to face them, for they are the baddest motherfuckers in the valley.

If you haven't guessed these guys are bad news bears for the brotherhood of labor. When they first landed they butchered their way through an army taking no casualties despite being outnumbered over fifty to one. They then captured an airport and the nearby village. More imperial troops then flooded into Mistral. The 32nd Elite Assault Guards then slaughtered their way to Mantle where they lifted the siege and aided the remaining loyalists. The "Georgy" paratroopers and the two other elite units then helped the 32nd clear Mantle of Brotherhood troops and they raised the imperial banner over the city. It would be another year before the Brotherhood was finally crushed underneath the imperial boot and then it came to talking about Mistral. Most of the population was dead. Anybody higher than the equivalent of deputy advisor to the assistant of the undersecretary was dead.

YN: (In head) We may never get a chance like this again. We will take Mistral and finalize our total grasp on Remnant! (Out loud) Get me my immediate family, Moss, and Georgy!

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