Chapter 1 A New Beginning

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Sometimes extraordinary things happen to extraordinary people. A story builds on love, hate, relationships, events the list could go on forever. But one thing is clear, this one is kind of special...

**Inez's POV**

"LAURA!" I shouted from the lounge!

"WHAT?" She shouted back.

"Please remove your stupid cat from the TV!"

Laura had a cat called Dr.Pepper. He was fat and just in the way all the time, but Laura loved him.

"Fine!" She said coming in to the lounge. She picked up Pepper (we call him Pepper for short) and went back in her room, shut the door and not long after that One Direction was booming at full volume in the entire flat!

"Urgh.. You already listened to that song FIVE TIMES IN A ROW!" I shouted over the loud music.

"SOOOO!?" She shouted.

"Can't we listen to a different song then?" I asked, well more like begged!

"Okay." She said and put a calmer one on. I think it was called 'I Wish' or something cheesy like that. I wasn't a hater, I actually liked their music but it was just a bit cheesy!

"Than-" I got cut of by a LARGE scream coming from her room.

She came running out with the biggest smile I have ever seen!

"What?" I asked suspiciously.

"ONE DIRECTION ARE HAVING A SIGNING TOMORROW AT THE MALL! WE HAVE TO GO!" She screamed even though I was right next to her.

"Okay! Sounds fun!" I said and I did actually mean it.

"Oh my god! What am I gonna wear? How am I gonna do my hair and make-up? What am I gonna say!?" She was really panicking!

I stood up took her by the shoulders shook her a bit and said, "Laura don't worry 'bout it! They won't care what you wear! Just breathe a little!" It helped.

"Thanks Innie! You always know what to say when I panic!"

She spent the whole night talking about One Direction and how perfect they were and how she was gonna marry Harry!

"Do you honestly believe that you're going to marry him?" I asked.

"No, but you can always dream! Plus, I'm going to wear something very attractive so that they stare!" She gushed.

"Have some self respect! Do you want to look like a whore when we get there!? I don't think they will like it if you dress inappropriately!" I tried talking her out of looking like a total slut!

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