Chapter 11 It can't be true!?

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***Inez's POV*** (A/N: If you want rather full affect of this chapter listen to the song on the side!)

I woke up in pain. I heard a beeping sound in the background. I opened my eyes properly. I was in a hospital room. Everything was white.

"Ah, you're awake!" A nurse came into my room.

"Uhm, what happened?" I asked not remembering anything.

"You were in a nasty car accident. You were crossing the road when suddenly a car came at great speed and hit you." She said frowning. It all started or come back now. I was on my way to Niall.

"How badly hurt am I?" I was in a lot of pain.

"Just some bruises and cuts but other than that you're fine! You're a lucky girl!" She smiled at me.

"How long was I out for?" It seemed like no time had past.

"A bit more than 24 hours. We were worried, but you're awake now!" Wow, that's a day of my life I'll never get back. Well, it's better than dying.

"Are my friends here?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, but they can't all come in at the same time." She said.

"Okay, send Niall and Laura in." I said. They were first on my list. After about a minute Laura and Naill came into my room. Laura's eyes were red and puffy, she had been crying. She ran over and hugged me tight.

"Not to tight!" I was in pain and she was squeezing me.

"Sorry, I was worried sick. They said you might not wake up!" She sniffled. She finally let go. As soon as she stepped back Niall hugged me. After he let go he pecked me quick on the lips.

"God, we were so worried! I'm so glad you're awake and not hurt to badly!" Laura smiled. The nurse came back into the room, when something popped into my mind.

"Can you check my left foot?" I asked. I've been wanting to ask a doctor that for a year.

"We checked your whole body. There's nothing wrong." She smiled.

" Does that mean I can dance on it?" I could hardly believe my ears.

"Yes, I don't see why you couldn't." I couldn't believe it! I could dance again. My passion! Finally! I was going to call The Royal Ballet School as soon as I got home.

"Oh my god! That's amazing! But I'm feeling a bit sick." I said and quickly got a bin that was on the side of my bed. The rest you can probably figure, not wanting to go into detail. Laura had brushed the hair our of my face and Niall was rubbing my back. Gosh, I felt so gross! Poor Niall and Laura who had to see me like this. After a while I stopped being sick and laid back on the bed. Niall was holding my hand and Laura was sitting at the end of the bed. The nurse was still there.

More Than Lucky ~A One Direction Fanfic~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora