Chapter 34 It's over

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***Inez's POV ***

~11 days later~

There was another one, and another and another. You couldn't go on a street in London without seeing a promotion poster for their new tour that had recently opened. They're leaving tomorrow. Good, then I'll never have to see them again, I thought. Well, I can't say never because they're everywhere in London and all over the world. I'd been getting on quite well. Right now I was looking for a new flat. My name wasn't on the lease for the old flat and I didn't pay for it anymore. Everything reminded me of them though. My phone was constantly bombarded with texts and calls from them but I always ignored them. This is my new life, and they're not in it. Tomorrow the other girls will realise what a big mistake they've done by staying with them. They'll realise that they're leaving and that they'll find new girls. Leaving was definitely the best decision, I kept chanting in my head but something told me differently. My mind? My body? My heart?

***Niall's POV***

She'd been gone for almost two weeks and we're leaving tomorrow. I won't get to kiss her goodbye, hold her or even hear her voice. It killed me. The concerts had been awful. All the fans saw that I was a mess and everyone obviously knew something was going on. Ten months and I'll probably never see her again? How could she expect me to love someone else when I could love her? She's my world. I'd been taking it badly, even worse than Laura. The first days she'd been saying that Inez was coming back but I think she's realised that's not happening. I'd lost her. How could I have let her slip away? I clutched the heart necklace in my hand and my heart ached. It yearned for her, needed her.

"Got everything for tomorrow?" Zayn asked me and I just ignored him. This tour, I hated it. It was the reason she left. I'd rather stay here and win Inez back than go on the tour that made me lose her.

"You can't be sad forever." Zayn sighed and sat down next to me. Once again I ignored him. "I know it hurts, but you gotta pull yourself together. For the fans, they're all noticing." He gave me a sharp look. I clasped the necklace in my hands. The one made for her. So my heart could be with her. And she was the one who deserved my love more than anyone, she deserved more. I got up and left Zayn in the lounge and went to my room. There was a huge suitcase in the middle of it. Anger suddenly took over me and I used all my power and kicked it. I let out a frustrated groan and fell on the bed. Tears spring to my eyes for maybe the thousandth time these last couple days. Get over her, get over her, I chanted but it made me sadder. I never want to. I don't want to forget her, I don't want to get over her, I don't want to let her go. I've never felt this way before. I was truly, madly, deeply in love with her. I loved her. No, I still love her.

* * * *

"Has everybody got everything?" Paul was standing in the middle of Lou and Harry's flat. We all had our bags ready and Paul was making sure Louis didn't forget his toothbrush again. The boys nodded and the flat looked almost like they were moving. Some many things were missing from the flat. The atmosphere in the room was sad. The girls were here with us, well, it doesn't feel the same with Inez not being here. Something is always missing- her. Everything made me think of her again and being with Laura, Jackie and Anna didn't help. They had tried helping me get over her but I'll never be able to be happy again if she isn't in my arms.

"I don't wanna leave!" Louis whined like a four year old.

"To bad!" Anna laughed and hit him playfully. Louis let out an ear piercing scream, and that's when I realised. That night, when I was out looking for Inez. I saw a girl being dragged into an alley by this man. She seemed so scared and defenceless. And then, that scream... I now knew who it was. Why she ran when I told the man to leave her alone. In the dark it was hard to tell but now I definitely know. It was Inez. Her grey eyes were almost black with fear and the expression on her face didn't change when she saw me. I could've had her in my arms now. If I only saw it when I was in that dark alley, I could've convinced her to stay but this is all my fault. She's never coming back, I've lost her completely.

"Niall!" They all shouted.

"What?" I asked and stood up instantly.

"What're you thinking about? You were totally zoned out!" Zayn looked at me funnily.

"You know I told you about that girl in the alley the night Inez disappeared?" I asked all of them and they nodded. "I now know who it was." I sighed.

"Who?" Laura wondered. I sighed once again and looked at them.


"WHAT?!" Even Paul chorused with the others. I nodded sadly and sat back down as tears once again sprung to my eyes.

"I could've convinced her to stay, she could've still been here." I cried and grabbed my hair frustratedly.

"Don't blame yourself." Laura sat down next to me and hugged me. "We all knew Inez was going to do something extreme sooner or later, just not this extreme."

"Yes, but I found her! I could've helped her!" I raised my voice looking at them.

"It was dark, she probably didn't even notice it was you." Anna shrugged sitting down on my other side.

"She looked me straight in the eye and then ran, of course she knew it was me!" I snapped.

"Don't be so hard on yourself." Laura looked at me with apologetic eyes, before standing up and we carried our bags out of the flat and down to the car that was taking us to the airport. I felt sick thinking about it. I had my chance. I could've continued to look for Inez and maybe found her but now it's too late. She's gone, everything we ever had is gone but one thing wasn't gone. My love for her. I'll be gone for ten months now and she'll find some one new to love. It's my fault, so why shouldn't I be hard on myself? In the car I sat alone in the back, not wanting to talk to anyone. I just wanted to skip the tour, be home and be sad. I got my phone out and started listening to my music so I could tune out. I didn't even look at the screen and just pressed a random song. My heart sunk when I heard it was 'Give Me Love' by Ed Sheeran. 'Give me love like her' yeah, please do! I thought sarcastically. Even my music hates me for making her leave and is trying to make me guilty, yeah like I'm not already guilty enough. The car came to a sudden stop and we all started getting out of the car and we were quickly swarmed by paparazzi. Eleanor and Perrie were meeting us inside the airport so Louis and Zayn were eager to get inside. When the rest of us made it in everything went calm. There were hardly any people there and it was very quiet. It wasn't long until our plane boarded so we started making our way to the check in. This is it, I thought. I'm never seeing her again, okay? My heart sank even further while all the boys were saying goodbyes to their girlfriends and I just stood there. When they all had said their goodbyes we turned around to the check in. I told myself to breathe, it's over.


I know, I know it's short! But there is only the last chapter left after this. I'm getting emotional actually. This hasn't been a huge project since I've only worked with it for six months but it's still one of my first completed works that I'm proud of. I never knew how fond I'd become of writing this story. I took this on as something small and fun to do but it's turned in to so much more, writing on Wattpad has become a part of me. I can't imagine not coming home and not writing. Oh god, I'm becoming my sister! (She's a writer on and is like really famous for her Harry Potter fanfic) I really love it and I'm going to continue writing stories for sometime. Please vote, fan and comment! Everything's appreciated! Stay happy and excited for the last chapter!

Xxx RainWriter

More Than Lucky ~A One Direction Fanfic~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें