Chapter 28 Back with a new one.

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**Inez's POV**

"Jackie!" I cried as she came in with two suitcases in her hands. It made me wonder since she only had one before. Me and the girls ran up and hugged her.

"It's good to be back!" She smiled at us. She looked better and worse at the same time.

"Jackie, who are these people?" We heard a small voice from behind Jackie. She stepped aside and revealed a small boys. He was thin and had the same pitch black hair as her. Although, he was paler and had dark circles under his eyes. No child should look like that.

"These are my best friends that live here with me. That's Anna, Inez and Laura." She told him. He was very shy. "Girls, this is my little brother Jordan."

"Very nice to meet you, Jordan." I smiled. I loved children and have done ever since I was little. I'm pretty sure it was because I never had younger siblings so when I had a chance to take care of smaller kids, I would. Jordan gave me a weak smile. He looked like a character from a Tim Burton film. All grey and pale.

"Hello." He spoke very properly. The other girls greeted him.

"Well, Jordan is going to stay here for a little while, so he can get the guest bedroom. And yes that means the boys won't be able to snatch it!" Jackie laughed. We all agreed that it was a good idea and helped Jordan settle in in the spare room.

"So Jordan, are you excited to meet the boys of One Direction?" Jackie asked, smiling at her brother.

"Not really. All the girls in my class talk about them, but I don't really take that much interest." We all laughed at his statement.

"You'll love them!" I gushed. "And trust me they'll love you."

"Don't be so sure." He said sadly. I felt guilt wash over me. He obviously wasn't popular in school and I'm pretty sure he's going through the hell Jackie had to go through with her dad.

"Oh, I am sure!" I flashed him a smile and I saw a bit of happiness in his eyes.

"I know!" Laura spoke up, a bit to loudly and made us all jump. "Let's invite them now!" Before we could respond she was out the door and on the phone.

"Does she love One Direction?" Jordan cringed.

"Her boyfriend is in the band. All our boyfriends are in the band." Anna giggled.

"I didn't know Braylen was in One Direction?" Jordan asked surprised. Jackie laughed.

"He isn't. But they're close friends." She said, still snickering a bit.

"Guess what?" Laura asked coming in to the room with a big grin on her face. It reminded me of the grin she had the day she found out that we were going to a signing with One Direction.

"Chicken butt!" Jackie laughed. Ah, every single time, Jackie! Jordan looked shocked. He probably wasn't used to hooligans like us.

"Get used to it!" I whispered and he laughed.

"No, not chicken butts, well actually yes. The chicken butts are coming over so you were right all along." Laura joked. She's a terrible joker, but we laughed at her anyways.

"Why do you insult the people you love like that?" Poor Jordan. He really didn't have a childhood.

"They're just joking." Jackie told him. He seemed confused.

"Okay." Jordan replied quietly. It didn't take long for the boys to arrive. It never does. Lol, love us that much?

"Zayn!" Jackie squealed when she saw him. They were really close, and I mean really close. Us others were always worried that Braylen or Perrie would get jealous. She hugged him tightly and said hi the other boys.

"Who's this little fellah?" Niall asked looking at Jordan who was hiding behind his sisters legs.

"Do you want to introduce yourself?" Jackie smiled down at her brother, who just shook his head shyly. "This is my little brother Jordan. He's here to stay for maybe a little less than a week so you can't sleep in the spare room, 'cause it's his."

"Hi Jordan," Zayn greeted him. "I'm Zayn."

"Hello." Jordan obviously wasn't used to this many people on him.

"It's okay Jordan, the boys are lovely! They're just like Braylen." Jackie bent down and whispered something to him. She didn't want the boys to hear but I heard. "Don't worry, they won't hurt you." It broke my heart. He must be afraid of men, because of his dad.

"He's just shy." Jackie said standing up strait brushing away the fact that he wasn't actually shy. He was scared.

"It's fine, I know exactly what it's like." Zayn said hugging Jackie again.

"So what're you doing?" Niall asked putting his arm around my waist.

"Well, we were helping Jordan get settled." I told him, pecking him quick on the lips. Speaking about lips, where was Laura and Harry?

"Do we even want to know?" Niall said as if he read my thoughts.

"Did I say that aloud?" I asked surprised.

"No, I just knew you were wondering. You always wonder where Laura is!" Niall smiled.

"I don't trust her, that's why." I said stubbornly. We helped Jordan a bit more. It helped him relax more with the boys around. Jackie and Zayn were joking around the entire time and Jordan would always get surprised when they called each other names.

"Jackie, do you want to play with me?" Jordan asked pulling a bit on her arm.

"Why don't we enjoy it whilst the boys are here?" Jackie asked. He seemed hesitant before agreeing.

* * * *

"Do you have to go?" Jordan asked the guys, who were standing by the door just about to leave.

"Sadly, yes. But we can come tomorrow?" Zayn answered. They'd become so close in just one day. I think the guys thought it was fun to have a little boy to destroy. Jordan had loosened up so much, just from being with us one day. It made me realise how lucky I was. Maybe that was all my life was.



Hey hey hey! Sorry for the slow update! Been busy with school work, dance and so on. Had a bit of writers block during the writing of this chappie but I'm back on track now! I got tickets to One Direction. Holy. Actual. Shit. I'm shitting my pants everyday! Only 183 days left! Anyways, sorry it's short! Hope you like it! This is more of a filler! Getting close to the end! AHHHH!

xx RainWriter


R-O-C-K me again! ;)

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