Chapter 17 No, wait, WHAT?!

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**Inez's POV**

"How are you feeling?" I asked walking into Laura's room. It was Monday and she was staying home from school due to her throwing up and feeling sick. I was still free to recover from my heart attack.

"Crappy as ever!" she'd been in different moods all day and it was kinda stressful.

"Well, we're leaving soon so then we'll know what's up!" I said. We were going to the hospital to see if it was like the flu or anything. Probably nothing much!

"Yup! Hopefully I'll get something to help!"

I grabbed my things and helped Laura out of her room. Harry was picking us up since I can't drive and Laura hasn't got her license yet, plus she was in no position to drive. When we got out it was quite cold. Colder than usual. I saw Harry's car waiting for us. I helped Laura into the backseat and I sat with her so she didn't have to sit alone.

"Feeling any better?" Harry asked when we had taken our seats.

"No!" Laura's was really grumpy now! One second happy the other sad or grumpy! I'm getting kinda sick of it. It wasn't typical Laura! We arrived at the hospital after about five minutes. We waited for a bit until a nurse came and said that they were going to examine Laura and that we should wait here. I felt awful being in the hospital. It's sad to think that I spent quite a bit of the last weeks here, I was just so grateful that I was healthy now.

"What do you think it is?" Harry asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Maybe just the flu or something. It doesn't seem super serious."

"You're right! If she was really sick she would look and act worse." Harry gave me a small smile.

"Yeah, I hope she gets better! Her mood swings are driving me KARAZAY!" I joked. Harry chuckled lightly. I haven't spoken much to him since he's always lip locked with Laura! Speaking about lip locking, I wonder how Anna's feeling. She's been locking herself in her room everyday and crying! She still hadn't told us what happened, neither had Liam!

After a bit of waiting a doctor came out of the room and started walking in our direction. He smiled at us and it was a bit reassuring.

"Hello, are you Harry?" The man asked.

"Yes, how is she?"

"Well, we have some news that we'd like to tell you separately." The man walked away with Harry leaving me alone. I sat fiddling with the hem of my shirt thinking about the Anna and Liam situation. It didn't take long for Harry to return. He looked like someone had told him Laura had died! He was shocked, scared, angry, sad all those emotions built up in one. He was walking towards me and flopped down on the seat next to me, burying his face in his hands.

"What happened? Is she okay? What's gonna happen? How is she?" I was panicking a lot.

"Laura's........" He mumbled something under his breath and I didn't hear him.

"Pardon?" I frowned. He looked up and stared right into my eyes. No wonder Laura melts by looking into his eyes! But I have Niall!

"Laura's........she's...........Laura's pregnant." He said, I could see tears in his eyes.

"WHAT?!" I flew up from my seat, people were staring.

"Shh! If the press hears about this, we're all fucked!" I'd never seen Harry so serious before. He was really worried and stressed.

"'S SIXTEEN! She shouldn't be up to such business!" God, Laura! You went and got yourself knocked up! No wonder Harry was pretty much crying! I wonder how he feels about this!

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