Chapter 20 Dares!

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**Anna's POV**

I was walking with Liam down the street. We were on our way to Zayn's flat. That's where the rest of our little crew was. I was clutching Liam's hand tightly, never wanting to let go. It didn't take long to get there, since all the boys live so close. Liam opened the door and gestured for me to go in. I braced myself for all the curious comments. I walked into the living room, seeing all of them laying sprawled across the couches. I walked in together with Liam. Our fingers laced.

"Hey!" Inez looked shocked when she saw us holding hands.

"We've done some talking." Liam said and led me over to one of the couches. He sat down and pulled me onto his lap.

"Wait, have we missed something?" Laura asked looking at us.

"Depends on what you mean." I said smiling at them.

"I mean have we missed something, since you're acting all couple now and just two days ago you hated each other." Laura said in a very unusual tone.

"I did some thinking and, well, basically me and Danielle are through." Liam said quietly.

"WHAT!?" They all gave us the same reaction.

"Was it for Anna?" Inez asked smiling.

"It was for us. I wanted to see how I felt, and I did some thinking and decided it was best." Liam said. He probably didn't want to spill his guts to them. I knew he still liked Danielle but I knew he liked me as well and I'm supporting him. Because that's what you do when you love someone, you support them.

"So are you, like, an item now?" Jackie grinned at us. I let Liam answer this one.

"Yes." He smiled at her.

"Anna and Liam sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" All the girls started singing. I blushed furiously.

"Look! She's blushing! That means it's true!" Laura gasped. I let out a laugh together with the others. I wasn't going to deny it, 'cause it's true.....

"What're we doing?" I asked, just o change the subject a bit.

"Living while we're young!" Inez sang and started jumping on the couch, almost killing Niall, who was next to her.

"Yup! The music video comes out in two days!" Louis said excitedly!

"I haven't seen it!" I pouted. Inez and Laura had, but not me or Jackie. We were in school when the boys showed it to them.

"Hey girl I'm waiting on ya, yeah I'm waiting on ya! Come on and let me sneak you out!" Inez began singing. "A very unusual line for Daddy Direction to sing!"

"I'm not proud of it!" Liam joked.

"And may I ask what you mean with 'let's go get some'?" Inez asked, knowing the boys would laugh at her in appropriateness .They did.

"Well, what do you usually mean with that?" Louis raised his eyebrows at Inez.

"It's an incomplete sentence. You never said what you're going to get!" Inez is good at this game.

"CARROTS!" Louis screamed and we all laughed.

"What do carrots have to do with living whilst you're young?" Inez is not giving up!

"You can consume a larger amount of carrots when you're young!" Ah, Louis and his crazy ideas! We all burst out laughing at his statement. After all, it was a good day!

"Speaking about carrots, I'm hungry!" Laura suddenly spoke up.

"I want pizza! P-I-Z-Z-A!" Inez started singing the pizza song that the Olsen twins sang! (A/N; Go watch the song and then watch it when it's slowed down! It's hilarious!)

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