Chapter 18 Mistakes or Memories?

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  • Đã dành riêng cho Anna my best friend! <3

Inez's POV

We'd been talking all afternoon, Laura and Harry had joined us, when suddenly the front door flew open and in came the fabulous Ella! Everybody looked up at her in surprise. Ella was my best friend from school and she was an amazing dancer. Why did she come in like that? I have no clue, she's very random.

"Ella!" I stood up and hugged her. I hadn't seen her in a while since I'd been in hospital.

"Who are you?" Harry asked.

"I'm Ella! Inez's best friend from the ballet school!" Ella smiled warmly at them. She was a very kind and caring person. She had curly brown hair and big chocolaty brown eyes. Ella walked over to the others and jumped on the couch landing on Louis, Zayn and Jackie. They all laughed. Ella was a very outgoing person, not shy at all.

"Hello!" Louis smiled at her. I could see he had already taken a liking to her. Well, who wouldn't?

"So why are you here?" I asked. It wasn't unusual that she came in without knocking.

"Thought I'd pay you a visit!" Ella had repositioned herself, so now she was sitting next to Louis, instead of on him.

"That's all?" I raised my eyebrows. She usually had better excuses.

"I came to help you with your maths homework. I know you're not the smartest when it comes to equations."

"I don't really want to do maths FIY!" I was supposed to rest!

"I kinda figured. So I just came anyways!" They were all paying lots of attention to her. Ella was the same age as me and almost the height. Ella was taller than me though.

"What do you want to do?" I asked her.

"Throw a party!" She almost shouted! They all woohoo'ed at her idea. We decided to throw the party at Zayn's place. He didn't like the idea but we don't give a damn! Us girls changed into partying clothes, Ella borrowed some of my clothes. We started calling all our friends and arranging everything. This going to be fun!


"I'm having a great time!" Ella yelled to me over the loud music. We had invited A LOT of people and almost all of them came. Ella was dancing around all over the place! But she gets tired quickly, that's why she doesn't party as much as us others.

"Me too!" I smiled at her. I looked over my shoulder and saw Laura. She had a worried look on her face, talking to Harry. I looked further and saw Jackie with Zayn and Anna. God, Anna was just torn apart! I wondered if she'd ever fallen for someone before, cause she was falling hard for Liam! What's this drama, all of a sudden? One day we're living the the life and then I get into a car accident and get a heart attack, then Laura gets knocked up and Anna falls for Liam. The only girl that's in completely one piece is Jackie! So I decided to try and cheer Anna up a little so I walked over to her and swung my arm around her shoulders.

"Smile!" I said to her. She just looked at me, so I needed to put matters into my own hands. I put my thumbs at the corners of her mouth and pushed them up. She looked like a goblin and we all started laughing at her silly face.

"Thanks!" She smiled.

We partied until it was almost 01.00 AM on a Monday! The guests had finally all left! We were all so tired so getting back to our own flat was out of the question. But we noticed Liam wasn't there.

"Where's Liam?" I asked looking around. He was nowhere to be seen.

"I think he started walking home." Louis yawned, making it almost impossible to hear him. Anna suddenly looked up and ran out of the door.

"What's wrong with her?" Ella asked confused.

"There was some drama between them!" I said shaking my head.

"What happened?" Harry asked. I forgot that he wasn't there when I told the others.

"On the day after Niall's party, when we went clubbing, I saw Anna and Liam totally snogging and then there was this tension between them. And something must've happened when she came home crying, whilst we were watching movies!" I explained. "That's why he's been spending so much time with Danielle."

"Oh," Was his amazing response.

***Anna's POV***

I started running towards the direction of Liam's flat. I had to tell him. It was like a stone inside my heart, just wanting to pull me down further and further. I had never felt like this for someone before. After a bit of running, I saw Liam walking. His hands in his pockets, looking down at his feet.

"Liam!" He looked up. I ran up to him. "Liam, there's something I need to tell you."

"Go on." He said bluntly. It made me feel worse, how his voice was so monotone and uninterested. Just like another blow to my heart. Of course he didn't want to hear what I was going to say but I continued anyways.

"What I wanted to say was that......that.......I love you! I've never felt this way for someone before! That night when we kissed, it made me realise how I really felt! I know this isn't the best, but I had to tell you! Every time you hugged me and smiled, I fell a little deeper! You can't blame me! Love is uncontrollable! I know you don't feel the same way, but I don't know how I'll take this!" He looked at me quite shocked.

"Anna......I didn't know you felt that way. But I have Danielle! You have no idea how it is for me when some girl to comes to your house and says that they need to tell you something, and then when she sees my girlfriend she runs of crying! How was I suppose to explain that to Danielle!? And don't think you're only hurting yourself and me, but you're also hurting her! And that's something I just can't put up with. But I never said I DIDN'T feel the same way, so this isn't easy for me either!"

***Liam's POV*** ( A/N; Oh, never done Liam before! Now you'll know what he thinks of the situation!)

She just looked at me after I had spoken. I had no idea she felt that way! She'd been quiet and ignoring me all the time lately so I figured she didn't. The tension between us had been building up like a tower and this didn't help much. Since she didn't respond and I didn't have anything else to say, so I started walking away. But I felt someone grab my wrist and I turned around. Anna had tears prickling in her eyes and it hurt seeing her that way. You're the reason behind her tears, my consciousness told me and made me feel worse than I already did.

"I'm sorry." She whispered and I did something I shouldn't have done but I just couldn't resist.

I kissed her.

***Anna's POV***

"I'm sorry." I whispered. I could feel tears in my eyes, but I blinked them away. Liam was looking straight into my eyes, and I felt like melting. He looked at me for a moment before slamming his lips on mine. It took a second before I could process what happened, but I just let my eyes fall shut and kissed him back. God, I've been wanting to do this since that night. He had his hands around my waist and I had mine round his neck. This kiss was much more emotional and careful than the last. It was gentle and not forced. I so badly wanted more, but in the end he had to pull away. We were both out of breath. We had our foreheads against each other and he whispered,

"Me too." He slowly pulled away completely and started walking again. I felt like just collapsing. I started walking back with a smile on my face. Even though he wasn't mine, a part of him was. When I opened the door to Zayn's flat they had all passed out in a pile on the floor. I quickly joined them shutting my eyes, falling asleep with a light heart.


Yeah so, sorry that it's short I just wanted to write about Liam and Anna! The next chapter might also be short, just warning you! So I'll be writing more on the Laura and Harry issue now! Then I'll jump a bit back and forth between them! I wanna to try to make this around thirty chapters at least! I have a little more drama installed for the future to keep my story going and then I'll be rounding it of! I was really happy with the way the end of this chapter! It was sweet! So are you Team Anna or Team Danielle? Just joking! Let's not make this like Twishit! And I also liked the name! I'm having a bit of trouble with Anna and Liam but I think I'll figure it out! Love you and I just wanted to say how much it means to me that you read and vote, fan etc. So stay happy! Rainbows and Lovies!

xxx RainWriter :P

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