Chapter 33 Gone

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**Laura's POV**

"Yeah, that was a blast!" I laughed with the others as we walked into the flat. "Hello!" We all called but there was no answer.

"She probably fell asleep." Anna said flopping down on the couch. I walked into the kitchen as Niall went to wake Inez. I saw a small letter on the worktop. Next to it was the necklace Niall gave Inez. A knot instantly formed in my stomach and Niall came out of Inez's room with a horrified look on his face. The others looked at him and I put two and two together.

"She-she's gone." He stuttered and the others seemed chocked.

"I'm sure she just went out it get something." Anna said waving it off.

"No, Anna!" Niall raised his voice. "All her things are gone. There's nothing in her room." They all ran to her room and I motioned Niall to come over. I pointed to the letter and necklace and I saw tears form in his eyes. He picked the letter up and started reading it to himself and tears starting pouring from his eyes. I didn't know what the letter said and I was almost afraid to know. I wrapped him up in a hug not quite sure of what to do. The others came out of Inez's room and looked at us.

"Read it Niall." I told him. He shook his head. "She would've wanted you too." Niall nodded and straitened up and started reading.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this. You're probably wondering why. Well, I couldn't take it. Knowing that each day I'd get closer to not seeing you in ten months. I'm not good at goodbyes and I hope you'll understand. I love you all with my entire heart and that is why I can't do it. This is for the best.


Boys, I love you so much it hurts. It's crazy to think we met at a signing but here we are seven months later, closer than ever. Your voices are amazing and I'll be rooting for you, always. I'll still support what you do, just from a distance.


Jackie, I admire you for everything you've gone through and how strong you've proven yourself to be. I'll always look up to you and I'll be proud knowing you. I know you'll make it big as a guitarist and keep on following your dreams. Your ambition is incredible and if you try, you can reach to the stars.


Anna, I love how you've always been there for all of us. Protecting us and always looking out. I wish you all the best and I can't imagine being without you. It hurts just thinking about it. I think you'll understand me the most when I say it's for the best. You're amazing at everything you do and I'll always love you.


Laura, we've been best friends since we were nine and my life without you is the hardest thing to imagine and I don't know how I'll make it. You've always been my rock to lean on. All those nights we sat up talking on the phone, all the sleepovers and all our arguments are in my heart. You know me better than anyone and (quoting Kelly Clarkson) my life will suck without you. I just know you'll be a big Hollywood star sooner or later so I wish you the best with whatever you decide to do.


Niall, I don't know where to begin. I know you won't understand why I'm doing this to you but I can't take not waking up to your smile, not getting a Horan hug when I want, not feeling your lips on mine. You're my everything so without you I'm nothing. I'm empty without you. I know it's not been that long since we met but it feels like a life time. I hardly said this enough to you when we were still together but I love you more than anything in this world. And don't walk around being sad, find new love and forget about me, you eventually will. I'm giving you the necklace back because I'm no longer yours, and you're no longer mine. Give it to someone else who deserves your love. Don't waste time on me.


And one last time, I love you all. You've changed my life. And I'll never forget you.


Love Inez." Niall sighed as he finished the letter. We were all in tears, even the boys.

"So that's it? She really gone." Anna sobbed and Liam hugged her.

"I guess so." I cried. I couldn't believe it. Inez was capable of a lot but I never knew she'd actually do something like this. I'll miss her.

**Inez's POV**

I had nowhere to go. I was currently sitting with my back against some buildings wall. My warm breath visible in cold air. My mind was clouded with Niall. The pain inside me was tearing me apart slowly from the inside. I have no home, my parents live in Sweden, I hardly have any money! There was only one place I could go, but I couldn't stay there for too long. They'd find me. I stood up on my feet, picked up my suitcase and started walking to Ella's flat. She -thankfully- lived alone. The sky was dark blue, no stars visible because of the clouds. It's getting late, I thought and checked to time on my phone. Soon eleven. I sighed and kept on walking. The streets were crowded by youngsters going out clubbing. Several guys gave me looks in interest but I decided to ignore them.

"What's a small girl like you doing out this late?" Some lad yelled after me. Well, he slurred it more than yelled, clearly drunk. I ignored him and kept on walking. Suddenly I felt a strong arm arm wrap around my waist and someone pulled me close to their chest. I gasped in surprise. I looked behind me and saw a big strong man that I didn't know. My breathing got faster and his grip tightened around me as he started dragging me away. My heart was racing and I couldn't function properly because of the shock. An ear piercing scream finally left my mouth as he was about to drag me into an alley.

"Leave her alone!" I heard someone shout and as I turned around I saw the man get punched in the face and as he fell to the ground I looked up to see who my mystery saviour was. Tears sprang to my eyes as I looked into those ocean blue eyes one last time before running off. He didn't yell after me and I just kept on running. I got to Ella's flat pretty fast and she took me in without a doubt. She sat me down on her couch and I just burst into tears. I told her everything, from when Jackie's mum died, to how I got here. Ella sat there and listened to be just talking. She never interrupted or made snide comments about my mistakes.

"I'm just not sure about anything anymore." I sighed and finished off my whole story. Ella looked at me with her big brown eyes.

"Do you love him?" Her eyes were piercing through me, telling me to speak the truth.

"More than anything." I cried.

"Then why did you leave? If he loved you, he'd wait for the tour to be over."

"Well, I'm not sure he would. That's why this is better." I sighed. Ella just looked at me and then hugged me.

"If you're happy with this decision then I'm happy." She sighed.

In that moment I decided what would be. What was left between me and Niall, me and Laura, all the others, everything I'd ever felt, heard, said, done, loved was from this moment



Do you hate me for making Inez leave? Two chapters left + epilogue. It's crazy to think that it's soon done. This was just something I started for fun, I never imagined that I'd be so sad to let it go. There you have it, Inez is gone. Please vote, fan and comment! Much appreciated! Stay happy!


xxx RainWriter

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