Chapter 23 S'more pool chasing!

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**Inez's POV**

Laura had just disappeared, just like that! She'd ran out of the door, Harry close on her trails. So it was just me! Well, Jackie was here, but she's studying and Anna's with Liam. Kinky! ;) I sat down on the sofa and pulled my biology books out. It wasn't a very difficult test, so I didn't have to study a huge amount. I didn't take long for Laura to come back. She collapsed on the sofa opposite me and sat there with a blank expression. Harry sat down next to her hand held her tight.

"Laura, what's happened?" I asked carefully, not wanting her to snap. She just shook her head, looking at her hands. "Laura, we've been friends since we were nine! I'll find out sooner or later!" She let out a small laugh.

"I'll tell you later, okay?" She gave me a sad smile. I could see a little bit of emotion in her eyes. It was sadness, mixed with relief and grief! Strange!

"That's fine." I smiled sympathetically at her. She walked into her room with Harry, closing the door after them. I continued studying in peace.

I was almost finished when I heard the front door open and close. Since our flat was open plan the front door was just behind me, since I was sitting on one of the sofas. There was an awful lot of giggling coming from the door. I turned around and saw Anna and Liam. They were whispering something and giggling like maniacs.

"Oh, Inez! I didn't see you there!" Anna blushed but she wouldn't stop giggling.

"No, it's not like I'm right in front of the door on the sofa!" Anna just continued giggling, Liam laughing behind her. "What's going on here?" I asked standing up pointing at them.

"Nothing!" Anna giggled! Honestly! Won't she stop giggling?

"If you don't tell me why you're giggling I will tell Liam about the movie night!" I threatened. One night, when we were having a movie night, Anna fell asleep and started sleep talking and walking. She went into my room got my phone and texted all my contacts how much she loved Liam! Lol!

"YOU WOULDN'T!" Anna gasped! She stopped giggling.

"Oh, but I would!" I grinned evilly at her.

"We were just........laughing for no reason?" Liam shrugged. I just laughed at his pathetic answer.

"Liam, you're even worse than me at lying!" I laughed. "It's fine! But don't disturb Laura. Something's happened but she hasn't told me yet, okay?"

"Yep! Liam just gonna help study!" Anna giggled and ran into her room. Jackie soon came out with an irritated look on her face.

"Well, if you're just gonna study, why can't I be in there?" Jackie said crossing her arms at Anna.

"Because you can't!" Anna said dragging Liam away with her.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked her.

"GIRL TIME!" She hollered. It must be hard for her, since all us girls are dating someone in One Direction except for her! We decided to watch 'Sweeney Todd'. I love Tim Burtons works! He always includes Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, two of my all time favourite actors! Me and Jackie both love Halloween more than Christmas and were crazy about crazy things! Speaking about Halloween this years had been the best! I was dressed up as the mad hatter from Tim Burtons 'Alice in Wonderland', Jackie was the bride from 'Corpses Bride', Anna was a clown and Laura was a devil! Anyways, we were getting to the end of the movie when we heard a crash from Jackie and Anna's room. Jackie and I looked at each other before running into their room. It was an hilarious sight! The bookshelf had been knocked over so there were books all over the floor, speaking about things that were on the floor, Anna and Liam were ROFLing in real life! OMG!

"May I ask how that bookshelf fell?" I looked mischievously at them! Anna's eyes widened.

"Inez! Get your head out of the gutter!" Anna shouted at me. Laura and Harry came running into the room.

"What happened?" Laura laughed looking at the room. I ignored them and answered Anna with;

"I would get my head out of the gutter if you and Liam would stop making out there!" Ah memories! Anna got up and started chasing me around the flat. I quickly schemed a plan in my head. This is going to be fun! I ran out of the flat, down the stairs to the pool. It was poring with rain out! Anna was on one side is the pool and I was on the other! Just like me and Laura were a couple months back!

"Hey Anna!" Jackie called from our balcony. Anna looked up at her and I took this opportunity. She's so naive! I ran over and pushed her in the pool. A loud squeal escaped her mouth before hitting the water. We were all pissing ourselves With laughter. It was to funny!

"YOU BIG FAT MEANY!" Anna shouted when she reached the surface.

"Not really! That's what you get for snogging someone so much that you push an intire bookshelf over!" I laughed! Omg, Anna's face!

"We weren't snogging!" She said getting out of the pool.

"Then why couldn't Jackie be in the room?" I asked. I got her now!

"Erm......." We all started laughing again. "Can't we just go inside? It's getting cold!" Anna complained. We both started walking up to our flat. When we got in Jackie came running towards us holding up her phone. She'd filmed it! I'm getting to good at making people go down to the pool! We all laughed watching it again!

"Eh, guys?" Laura spoke up. We all turned to her. "I have something I need to tell you."

We all looked at her. I didn't have a clue what it could be! The tension in the room was so thick a knife would break if you tried to cut it. The room was so silent you could hear the wings of a fly! We were all nervous, not knowing what to hear! Oh for god sake Laura! Out with it!

"There won't be a baby."


DUN DUN DUN!!!! Yup, that was planned all along! I made Laura pregnant just so she wouldn't have a baby! Lawl! Anyhoe, I finally remembered what I wanted to say! It was that making Liam and Danielle break up in the story was a really difficult decision. I really love Danielle, she's an inspiration! And it's so sad with all the rumours that they actually did break up, because they seem true! Danielle is amazing and she'll still be included in the story! I could never cut her off! I just wanted to tell you! Stay happy, Rainbows!


xx RainWriter XP

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