Chapter 16 Wait, what?

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***Laura's POV***

I woke up with very mixed emotions. I was happy, but I was feeling sick! I didn't even have one drop of alcohol but I felt awful! Just terrible! I don't think I was going to throw up though, just generally crappy. I moved my head and onpened my eyes so I was looking at Harry who was still asleep. A smile lit up on my face. Yesterday was the best day of my LIFE! His eyelashes started to flutter and he soon opened his eyes.

"Morning!" I said lazily closing my eyes again.

"Good night!" He joked since I was closing my eyes. I wanted to stay here forever, then the nausea hit again. I frowned. "Are you okay?" Harry asked since I went from smiling to frowning.

"Yeah, just feeling a bit sick! Nothing to worry 'bout though."

"Okay, are you going back to sleep?"

"No!" I said under a sigh. I was really tired though. The weather matched my feelings. It was grey and raining out! Oh, yay!

"Are you sure?"


"Can you say anything but no?"


"Good, I thought you were stuck. What are we doing today?" Harry asked. I still had my eyes closed but I knew he was smiling.

"Nothing! We're just going to lay here all day!" I said turning so that I layed on my back.

"Not all day! It's such nice weather!" He said sarcastically. I opened my eyes. It wasn't bright out but I could tell it was quite early. My eyes flickered over to Harry. He was watching me, he was so sweet! I did really love him. And I knew he loved me! I'm the luckiest girl in the world! I layed there in silence, just enjoying myself. Could today even be bad?

***Inez's POV***

I woke up in my own bed, which I hadn't done in a while. I felt a pair of arms around me. It was so comfortable. The only thing that made me move was Pepper jumping on my bed. He let out a loud .......whatever noise cats make! I sat up and shoved him of the bed. You know when they cats always land on their feet? Yeah, well, that's not the case here! But the bloody cat just came jumping up again! After the sixth time, I got up and practically kicked him out of the room and shut the door after. Wait, didn't I close our door when we were gonna sleep? Anyways, I was up so why not do something? I took a a shower and then went into the living room and watched TV. It was like 7:30 in the morning so I felt like dying! I was sitting curled up on the sofa with a blanket around me, Pepper keeping a good distance from me. Stupid cat! I was watching MTV, you know in the mornings when they just show music videos? Yeah, we'll after a couple WMYB came on! I couldn't help but sing along in my head. That song is to freakin' catchy! It was half way through the video when Niall came in.

"What are you doing?" He smiled at me. I noticed that I had been dancing a bit with my head. This is not the first time. Damn!

"Just dancing casually at 7:38 in the morning on a Saturday morning!" I said as if everyone did it.

"Nice!" He joked and sat next to me. Pepper hissed when he sat down. " What's wrong with him?"

"He's just being a pussy!" Niall let out a loud laugh. " Shh! You'll wake the others!"

"No, Anna's not here and the others stayed at Zayn's flat!"

"When did Anna leave?" I don't remember her leaving.

"In school catching up on what she missed yesterday."

"Okay, guess that makes sense." Pepper hissed once more at us. "Shut up, you fat bloody awful cat! I hate you! Passionately!" I snapped at fat retarded cat. He just looked at me. Bloody thing!

More Than Lucky ~A One Direction Fanfic~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin