Chapter 31 Mr. Ashdown

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**Jackie's POV**

"Oh, my..." I stuttered pulling away from the kiss. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Zayn told me and still didn't seem quite aware of the situation. "I...I have to go..." He said walking away frustrated. I felt rejected but then I realised...Perrie. Zayn loved her and they were at the peak of their relationship! What if I'd ruined it all? I felt like Anna. Now I know how frustrating it was. My throat was dry and felt guilt wash over me. I'd been selfish, I should care about mum and I should help Jordan. My feet ran home and got Jordan. I pulled him into his room and threw his suitcase on the bed.

"What're you doing?" Jordan asked, watching me throw all his stuff into it.

"We're going home." I said bluntly. It pained me to call it that, home.

"Oh," Jordan choked. I had gathered almost all his things in only five minutes, then I headed to my room, threw my things in my suitcase and left. Jordan was holding my hand tightly.

"I don't want to leave. I like it here." He said.

"Sometimes we have to do hings we don't want to." I told him blankly. We were walking down the streets. Small snowflakes falling from the sky. It was getting dark and the street lights were on. We got to the underground and I got two tickets to Kent. Jordan was silent the entire time, just looking out of the trains window.

An hour later and we're back in Kent. Jordan's small hand was shaking in mine. I started walking towards 'home'. It wasn't a long walk, but long enough for Jordan's lips to become purple and blue from the cold. His small hand was cold and his breaths uneven.

There they were. I haven't seen those gates in a year. The gold A's shiny as ever. Mum and 'him' had the same surname. Ashdown. I'd always liked the name. The mansion laying in front of me. The house cream white walls so large staring down at me. So many bad memories in this house. So much pain and frustration. I went to the gates pillars and pressed the red button.

"Who is this?" John, the butler, answered from inside the house. John had always been nice to me and Jordan, putting plasters on our cuts after being beaten

"It's me and Jordan." I mumble, but loud enough for him to hear on the other end.

"Jackie?" He asked, obviously surprised. He probably never expected to see me here again.

"Yes, it's me."

"I thought I'd never see you again. Anyway, the gate's unlocked, be careful." He told me and I open the gates. My feet carefully carry me up the gravel path. We reach the large doors and I knock warily on them. They quickly fly open and I get wrapped up in a hug.

"What are you doing here?" John asked me almost sounding disappointed. "He's not gonna be happy."

"I know." I said pulling away from the hug. John took Jordan's hand. He was more of a father to us than 'he' ever was. I knew where to find 'him'. John took my coat and I started walking down the wooden corridor. It was decorated with the same red carpet and the same old paintings, as if nothing had changed since I left. When I reached the end of the corridor I grabbed the door knob leading into the office. I opened it slowly and stepped in. He had his back to me sitting at his desk talking on the phone.

"Just hold on Mike, I think John just came in. Go away John. I told you I was taking an important call." He said waving his hand, gesturing for me to leave.

"No, I'm not going away." I said and his hand stopped moving.

"Let me get back to you, Mike." He said into the phone. He turned around and looked at me through those eyes that were pure hate. His hair still the same greyish shade and just as think. Still in one of his Armani suits and a red tie as usual. "Jacqueline?" He raises his eyebrows at me. I stare back. "Is this about your mother?" He asked as I'd she was still alive. No sympathy in that she had just passed away.

"No, this is about Jordan." I stick my ground. I have to be strong. "You need to treat him better."

"Or what? Hhm? He'll try to kill himself?" He laughed. "What difference wouldn't make to me? None." Anger boiled inside of me.

"He's your son!" I scream at him.

"He's a little shit." He snaps back.

"You used to love him! What happened to that?" I about back.

"He became more like YOU." His voice was filled with venom. Tears brimmed my eyes. "Is that all?"

"I won't leave until we know what's gonna happen to Jordan."

"He's staying with me and you can go back to your suicidal friends." He said, sitting back down at his desk.

"If see as much as a scratch on him, you're going to jail and he's living with me." I order.

"You'll see much more than a scratch on him." I hear him shout after me as I leave. John meets me in the hall.

"What did he say?" John asked me since I was in tears,

"I told him that if he hurts Jordan, he living with me." I explained.

"Come here." John tells me and wraps me up in a hug. "You've done more than enough. And don't worry, I'll help Jordan."

"Thanks." I sigh. "The sad thing is that I need to get back soon. My friends are probably worried sick."

"It's okay, just say goodbye to Jordan. You have no idea how excited he was to stay with you." I nod and run up the stairs to his room. He was sitting on the floor playing with his toys.

"Hey," I knock on his door frame. "I'm gonna go now." He runs up and hugs me.

"Promise it won't be as long as last time." He hugs me tight.

"I promise." I whisper to him.

 * * * *

"Jackie!" Everyone attacked me as I stepped through the door. "Jackie, we were worried sick!" Inez scolded me.

"I'm sorry, I-" I tried to explain but got cut off.

"Where's Jordan?" Anna asked looking around.

"That was what I was trying to explain. I went and talked" I sighed and sat down on a couch. "Jordan is going to have to live there, but I told him that if he as much as scratches Jordan, he's coming to live here." The girls nodded in understanding. They'd agreed to letting Jordan live here if it was that bad.

"When's the funeral?" Laura asked Jackie with an apologetic look.

"In a couple days. I'm only going to be there for the funeral and then coming back. I can't stand being in that small town. It's too crowded." I said shaking my head.

"Just know that we're always here for you." Inez smiled and hugged me. This was going to get better. I had a good feeling, but something was still in the back off my head. Like a feeling, that mum wasn't the only one leaving. Not as in dying but as in leaving, but I decided to ignore it and enjoy the moment.


Please don't kill me for not updating for like 3 weeks! I'm sorry, it's just I'd like more votes and comments and that is up to you. So for the next chapter I'm not asking for much, like 2 comments and maybe 4 votes until I update. It's nor much and I know you can do it! I'm also really close to 9,000 reads, so a massive hank you! This chapter is dedicated to @KatieBeckett for being such an amazing writer! Stay happy, and don't forget to vote and comment!

xxx RainWriter

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