Chapter 29 Everything's not gonna be OK

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**Inez's POV**

"Inez?" I was sleeping but felt someone tug on my t-shirt. I peeled my eyes open and had to stop myself from screaming. Jordan's face was inches from mine, I have to say his little face looks scary in the dark!

"What're you doing here, Jordan?" I asked him and sat up. It was the middle of the night and he came to me?

"Well, I couldn't sleep and Braylen is sleeping next to Jackie." He frowned. It was pretty adorable that he came to me.

"Hop in." I say and let him hop in under the covers next to me. "Is everything alright?" I wondered since he was just staring blankly at the ceiling.

"I have a feeling." He said after some consideration.

"Okay," I reply, not sure of what to say. "And what kind of a feeling is this?"

"A feeling that something bad is going to happen to mummy." Through the dark I saw small tears form in his eyes. It killed me. I put my arms around him and hugged him tight. The sad thing was, I couldn't say that everything was going to be okay because it probably wasn't. Jordan was oblivious to the position his mum was in. All he knew was that she was very sick, he didn't know she was on the verge of dying. I heard him sob softly and I wiped one of his tears away.

"Go to sleep." I cooed. He was too young for this. I don't understand how him or Jackie could take it. I mean, my mum lived in another country and I didn't see her much but I still loved her and wouldn't know what to do without her. After a while I felt Jordan's tense body relax and realised he was asleep. Slowly I loosened my grip of him and snuck into Jackie and Anna's room. Anna wasn't in there since Braylen was crashing here. Poor Anna was on the couch in the lounge. Jackie was lying asleep in Braylen's arms. I didn't want to wake her but I did so anyways.

"Jackie?" I whispered, shaking her lightly.

"Mm?" She sighed not opening her eyes. I couldn't bother talking to her when she's like this. If you say anything to her, she's forgotten it by morning so I just left her to sleep. I walked out into the lounge since once I'm awake in the middle of the night, I can't sleep. Unless I have Niall's arms around me. I bet I was blushing to myself. As I was standing in the lounge I noticed something strange. I didn't hear Anna's typical snoring. The couch was empty! I knew she was with Liam. To predictable. Well, I would've probably done the same if I was forced to sleep on the couch! I mean not go to Liam but to Niall. Otherwise it would just be weird. I'M TALKING TO MYSELF! Why do I always do that? You're doing it again! I mentally slap myself as hard as I can. And I am aware that I'm not the most normal person. Quietly I go back to my room. Jordan is lying in my bed sleeping peacefully.

"There's nothing to do." I mumbled to myself returning to the living area. My phone was lying in the coffee table so I picked it up and texted Niall asking him to come over. He asked me why and I explained the situation.

Fifteen minutes later I hear a hushed knock on the door. I jump up and answer it. Niall gave me a big hug before I even have a chance to react. He pulls away a bit but I'm still on his arms. I open my mouth to say something but before I utter a word his lips slam onto mine. I'm surprised at first but quickly kiss him back. After awhile of kissing I try to pull away but he just held me closer. I sigh into the kiss which makes both of us smile. I get ahold of his shoulders and push him away harshly. He grins at me and I grin back.

"Am I allowed to speak now?" I asked as we sat down on the couch.

"Fire away!" Niall smiled. I told him about what Jordan had said and that it worried me.

"Well, it was only a feeling." Niall said, trying to come up with an excuse to make me feel better.

"I know but I sort of have the same feeling. I think all of us do." I sighed and buried my face in the crook of his neck. He hugs me tight.

"I wish I could say that everything's gonna be okay but I can't." He tells me. I felt exactly same.

"Life's a bitch." I said.

"I agree," he chuckles. "But having someone like you makes it worth living." I blush at his words. It was cheesy but I was not going to ruin this moment. It was to precious.

"What? No overreaction? No freaking out over the cheesiness?" He said after realising that I wasn't going to freak out.

"I didn't want to ruin the moment!" I said and kissed him.

* * * *

My eyes were dry and my body was aching. Neither me or Niall hardly got any sleep. We'd talked almost through the entire night, but I didn't mind. I got up and I felt how stiff my body was. Slowly I waddle over to the kitchen and make breakfast.

"Can you wake the others? I've made breakfast." I asked Niall, who quickly got up and strolled off to the rooms down the hall. Not long after a bunch of trolls come out to the kitchen.

"Where's Jordan?" I asked since he wasn't there. Jackie and I scurried off to my room where we found Jordan jumping on my bed playing with Niall.

"Niall!" Jackie shouts and hits him on the arm. "I got really worried since he didn't come out!"

"Chill, this little man was stubborn. It was hard work getting him out of bed!" Niall said and ruffled the black knot of hair on Jordan's head. Jordan let out a small joyful laugh and ran out to the kitchen.

"Why was Jordan sleeping in here?" Jackie asked after Jordan had left.

"He couldn't sleep and Braylen was with you so he came in here." I said sheepishly not knowing what Jackie's reaction would be.

"Thank you." She gave me a sympathetic smile. "Was it mum on his mind?"

"Yeah, he was worried. He said he had a feeling that something bad was going to happen to her." I told her.

"Don't we all." She laughed bitterly. "And when did you get here?" She pointed to Niall.

"After your brother fell asleep in my bed, I couldn't fall back asleep so I phoned him."

"And what happened to Anna?" Jackie had the most confused look on her face. It was hilarious.

"She's probably with Liam." I shrugged and we walked back to the kitchen. Jordan was sitting in Braylen's lap, laying with his food.

"Daddy would never let me do this!" He laughed and ate with his hands. We all laughed at his childish behaviour. Jackie's phone lit up and she looked at it before it started ringing.

"Hello?" She said into the phone. There was some silence whilst she was listening to what was being said. A pang of sadness when I realised who the phone call was from. I looked around and we all knew, except for Jordan that is.

"Okay," Jackie said and hung up the phone. She took a deep breath. "Excuse me for a minute." She rushed off and in that moment we realised what had actually happened.


Cliffhanger? Yes! I'm a bit better and not as sad now but I still feel like shit deep down. I am aware of that it's short! Next one might be longer and this chapter is a couple days later than the previous one! I think you all know what's happened with Jackie, I mean it's pretty obvious. Next chapter will be really emotional. Probably the saddest one in the entire book. I don't have many chapters left! :( Gonna be so sad when I let this book go. I -just a couple of minutes ago- hit 1 100 reads! Yay! And 'The Blood On The Stairs' is doing pretty well with one chapter and 70 reads! I'm not sure when I'm going to update that one. It's hard making it creepy and a bit scary! Anyways, stay happy! (Happier than me anyways)

xx RainWriter

P.S I love you! <3 :3

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