Chapter 4 Boys meet Girls!

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01.00 PM came around pretty quick. Well, to me, it felt like hundreds of years for the girls (I don't mean Anna when I say that.). We heard I knock on the door at 12.58 PM.

"They're early! Do I look good?" Jackie was panicking.

"You look fine! They're only two minutes early!" Anna was getting annoyed with them panicking about this and that.

I went to open the door and saw all the boys.

"Hi!" Niall smiled.

"Hi!" I hugged him. He hugged me back! Eeeep! I'm still not used to this.

"So here are the boys!" Niall said stepping to the side so I could se them. They all said hi except for Zayn who said 'vas happening'. Typical! ;) I shook all their hands and then let them in to say hi to the girls. Laura and Jackie froze when they saw them. The boys introduced themselves but Laura cut them of saying:

"We know who you are! Gosh, you'd think they'd understand how well known they are!" She laughed and we all joined in.

"So are you lot going to introduce yourselves?" Harry asked looking at Jackie. Laura was green with envy. ( Haha get it cuz her surname is Greene and she's green with envy, no? Okay I suck).

"Well, I'm Anna!" Someone had to break the silence.

"Nice to meet you!" They said.

"I'm Jackie." Oh, look who isn't shy anymore!

"I'm Laura...." Laura mumbled.

"Okay, so, what do you guys wanna do?" I asked.

"Why don't we start to get to know one another?" Liam suggested.

"Okay" We all sat with someone we didn't know. I sat talking to Louis, Harry and Jackie, Laura, Zayn and Niall and then Anna and Liam. I wasn't surprised at Jackie and Harry sitting together. I just felt kinda bad for Laura, I mean Jackie's always preferred Zayn and Laura Harry! I just don't understand Jackie sometimes. We all sat talking when suddenly Jackie stod up and stormed out of the room! She slammed the spare bedroom door after herself.

"Harry, what did you do?" Liam asked seriously.

"Nothing! She just got a text and stormed out!" he explained

"Oh, no!" All us girls said. We ran after her. She was sitting on her bed in tears. We all walked and hugged her. All her heavy eyeliner was running down her face. After a while I stod up and went to explain this to the boys.

"How is she?" Niall asked when he saw me.

"She's just going through a rough time that's all!" I didn't want to make a fuss.

"Okay." The boys said disbelievingly. I knew it was more than a rough time but I didn't want to drag to much attention to it, in case Jackie didn't want to tell them.

Soon Jackie came out of the room. It didn't look like she was upset. All the girls new that this was hard for her.

"You okay?" Harry asked, but she wouldn't look at him. We all switched 'chat partners'. So now it was Louis Anna, Jackie Zayn, Laura Harry and Liam and me and Niall. (Even though we knew each other)

"Laura and Harry seem to be getting on well!" Niall smiled looked at them chatting and laughing.

"Yeah, I don't know why Jackie got so mad at him though!" She didn't speak to him or even look at him! I didn't want her to cause drama this early on on our friendship with the boys. We talked a bit more then we went into the kitchen to make lunch. But I managed to grab Jackie's hand and went to talk to her.

"Why are you ignoring Harry?" I hissed at her.

"I don't know really......I don't like him so much!" She hardly cared about what she said.

"But you can't ignore him for that! You were the one who stormed out and worried all the boys!" I snapped back.

"Fine I won't ignore him!" She is such a teenager!

We went back into the kitchen and had lunch. Anna stuffed her face as usual, just kidding. How can she be so thin and eat so much? She's damn lucky!

"Do you girls have twitter?" Louis asked.

"Yes!" we all nodded. Laura and Jackie had changed their twitter names since they figured they would ask. And they didn't want to have a fan girl names.

"What are your names? I want to follow you!" He said.

"My twitter is @Inezs!" I laughed a bit at my terrible name (A/N: These aren't real twitternames they are just made up!).

"Okay!" all the boys took their phones out and followed me.

"My name is @AnnaTheAnimalLover." She loves her twitter name.

"Mine @JazzyJackie." Jackie really liked her new twitter name.

"And mine is @KrazyLaura!" All the boys followed us on twitter.

After having lunch we went to the living room to watch a DVD. We watched several. In the middle of one movie I noticed Laura and Harry weren't there. Kinky.

"Where's Harry and Laura?" Niall whispered in my ear.

"I was just thinking about that!" I grinned at him.

"Well, whatever they're doing that we can't find out about, I don't want to know!"

"Yeah......wait what did you actually say?" I asked when I realised what he said.

He burst out laughing at me! I laughed too. Laughing way to contagious!


Hope you like this chapter! It was fun to write! I will be writing more as soon as possible!

More Than Lucky ~A One Direction Fanfic~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora