Chapter 15 Hangovers and more Surprises!

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A/N; Okay there's some kinkyness in this chapter! Not going into detail though! And some swearing. Just wanted to warn you!

**Inez's POV**

I woke up with a pounding headache. I didn't want to open my eyes, so I kept them tightly shut! I could feel that I wasn't on my bed, infact I wasn't on a bed at all. I was probably on a couch of some sort. I felt someone breathing next to me. I knew who it was. I slowly began to open my eyes. It was bright out, to bright for my liking. I was lying on one of the sofas in Harry and Louis' flat. Niall was next to me. Laura and Harry were on the other one and Jackie was lying curled up in a blanket on the floor. I thought I wasn't going to be hungover!? I sat up rubbing my hand against my temple. I needed something to drink, my throat was dry and soare. Probably from all the singing me and the girls did. I made my way to the kitchen. Wow, what a sight! Louis was lying on the kitchen counter top and Liam was sitting sleeping with his back against it. Anna was on the other side of the counter, in the same position as Liam. Where's Zayn?

"Boo!" I felt to hands grab my shoulders. I turned around to see Zayn smiling at me.

"God, you scared the bloody life out of me! How can you be so happy this early in the morning?"

"I don't know! I just feel happy! Hungover?" He asked handing me a pain killer.

"Thanks!" I said grabbing the pain killer out of his hand. "I didn't even drink that much!"

"No, you didn't. I guess some people can drink more than others. Just make sure the press doesn't find out." He gave me a glass of water.

"Well, it would be worse is they found out that Laura had been drunk! She's only sixteen!" I said before swallong the pill. I was still in my dress and really wanted to get out of it but I had no other clothes here!

"Better?" He asks after I had swallowed the pill.

"Much! How hungover are the others gonna be? I don't remember how drunk they all were."

"Hm, Jackie, Louis, Harry and Niall will probably be worst."

"That doesn't surprise me! When do you think they'll get up?" I glanced at the clock. It was 12.00 PM. The girls obviously didn't care about school. Ooohhhh, Anna's gonna freak!

"I dunno! We'll just have to see!"

"I'm just quickly going to my flat to get a change of clothes." I said looking at my dress. It was kinda cold with just a strapless dress with nothing on your legs or shoulders.

"Okay, but make it quick. If Niall wakes up and you're not here, he's gonna be a grumpy bastard!"

"Back in a bit!" I chuckled leaving. I was feeling better now! Actually, my life couldn't be better! I had Niall, I could dance again, I had better friends than ever! I was walking to our flat because it was so close. The weather was sunny and beautiful. I was barefoot with my black pumps in my hands, skipping down the street. I was singing 'Without you' by Usher in my head. Personally I thought the song suited better if a girl sang it. I prefer the Glee cover of it. I got to our flat and unlocked the door. I found Pepper attacking me with joy when I came in. I picked him up and walked to my room. I pulled on a tanktop and some 'Pink' sweats. I quickly put my hair up in a messy bun and slipped my TOMS on before leaving. I still had Pepper in my arms. I had a lovehate relationship with this fat cat.

I got to the boys flat and let myself in. Anna and Liam were awake now. They had moved Louis from the counter and were all in the kitchen.

"Morning, you look awful, just for the record!" I said smiling walking over to them. Pepper was sort giving me a hug. He's so cute! But I know someone's who's cuter!

More Than Lucky ~A One Direction Fanfic~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora