Chapter 19 New feelings and New Friendships?

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**Laura's POV**

I woke up feeling sick because of this stupid baby! I knew now that I really didn't want this 'baby'. I talked to Harry a lot about it yesterday. He agreed with me, but we still talked about good and bad things. The bad thing was that Harry had contacted management and they freaked. They told Harry that this would not get out and if people ask, it's not his!? Thanks management! I really appreciate it! A baby!? I just wanted to get of my chest, but I couldn't! That little piece of fudge is going to be in my belly for nine months and then be in my entire life until I die! Wow, not at all deep! REALLY!?

"What are you smiling about?" I could hear Jackie and Anna. They were probably up for school. Their voices sounded like they came from the kitchen.

"Can you keep a secret?" I had my eyes shut. I knew it was wrong to eavesdrop but I knew Anna would still tell me later if I asked.

"Anna, don't be stupid! We've been friends since we were thirteen! You can tell me anything!"

"Well, yesterday when I ran out, I caught Liam. And I told him everything." I could hear Anna sound happy for the first time in days.

"Everything?" Jackie asked surprised.


"So what did he say?"

"He said that it was hard for him, with Danielle and everything. Then I said sorry and he kissed me and told me that he was sorry too." Why was Anna happy? It wasn't like Liam said that they could be together.

"You kissed him?" Jackie said very loudly.

"Actually it was him. I just closed my eyes and went with it!" Anna giggled. Okay, is this just going to make things worse between them?

"That's really cute, Anna! But isn't this just going to make things worse?" Jackie is a mind reader.

"Maybe, but at least I got it of my chest, and he kinda said something that made me not lose hope." ANNA JUST SAY WHAT HE SAID!

"What did he say?" Jackie asked curiously.

"Well, I said that I knew he didn't feel the same way but then he said that he never said he didn't!"

"Anna, your love life is WAY to complicated! At least I'm not falling for one of the boys!" Jackie was right, Anna's love life is very complicated! Wait, what did she say?

"What about Zayn!? You've had a crush on him ever since they were on x-factor and it just got worse by knowing him and now you don't like like him anymore?" Anna sounded as shocked as I was.

"Well, I met this boy......" Jackie trailed of.

"WHAT?! And you're telling me now!?" Anna was shouting. Seriously, I feel sick.

"Shh! You'll wake them!"

"Jackie, I don't care about their fat asses! I can't believe you didn't tell ME!" Anna said playfully. Thanks Anna! I don't really care about your fat arse either!

"I haven't known him that long! And I'm still confused! I know Zayn won't break up with Perrie any time soon, so I can just give up there! But this boy, he's!" Aww! Jackie found someone?

"Morning walruses!" Definitely Inez. Jackie and Anna let out a laugh. "What is this I hear about a boy?"

"Wittle Jackie has a cwush!" Anna said in a baby voice.

"So who is this guy?" Inez asked. I could just see her curious face infront of me.

"He's from my guitar lessons." Jackie had recently started playing the guitar. I was getting uncomfortable laying on the floor. Why was I on the floor? Wow, now I remember! We all fell on the floor and then fell asleep after the party! I got up and dusted myself of.

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