Chapter 35 Forever

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Authors Note

Heya! So the reason why there's a little authors note here in the beginning is because this is the very last CHAPTER, not part, of 'More Than Lucky'. It's been so fun working on this fanfic and I have have lots more to bring! I really hope you enjoy this chapter. I put everything into writing and publishing for you. I always try to get back to you when you message me and I love all of you who have read and supported me. Hopefully you'll stick with me for when I leave you with this. I have other stories and a secret project that I'm working on (That one being the only 1D related so far) So I am working on another fanfic! But I'm not giving you any more clues! I've already said too much! Anyways, I'm going to stop talking now and please enjoy the last chapter. And this is dedicated to @OneDirectioner777 for being my biggest supporter along with @Penelopeluvs1D they've supported me a lot and I appreciate that! This chapter has been written so many times but I'm finally happy with it, and I hope you are too!

***Inez's POV***

The boys were leaving today. That was the only thought that was in my head. They'll be gone for ten months. No sudden bumping into them, no seeing them in central London, no hearing from them. Finally my escape, that was what I was trying to tell myself but I didn't believe it. It was more like torture than relief. This is the right choice, this is the right choice, I chanted to myself but my heart didn't agree with my head. My heart told me that this is wrong and my head told me this was right. I was completely torn. What if I just saw them once more? What if I just said goodbye one last time? STOP IT! I couldn't control myself. My heart yearning for them, my head screaming to run from them. Why did I have to ruin everything? Everything was all perfectly fine with Niall and then I had to over think things! And what made me think they wanted me back? Niall's probably happy that I left. I bet I was that annoying girl of them all, that they secretly hated but were to polite to say anything. They'd stopped calling me and probably caring. I knew they never cared enough to actually find me. Now I had no one.

To try and escape my thoughts I picked up my phone and unlocked it. I scanned through all my pictures. The video of Laura chasing me down to the pool, the picture of us in the park, the pictures from Niall's birthday, Christmas, New Year's Eve, Zayn's birthday, Harry's birthday, MY birthday. It was all on there. All the memories with them. It practically tore me apart more. I felt a stray tear running down my face. This is the first time I cry about it for days. I'd been getting on well but the fact that they were actually leaving today, it just... I can't even explain the pain. I'd never loved someone like I loved them. What if I just said goodbye one last time? Just one? No, never. I walked over to my room. I was staying at the ballet school until I found a new place. My suitcase was one the bed. I didn't even touch it. Suddenly I was acting all impulsive. I grabbed my leather jacket but nothing else and headed out of the door. My feet taking rushed steps. I couldn't take it anymore, the pain. I felt depressed, down right unhappy. I was going to put a stop to it, the hurt. I'm not gonna hurt anymore. Snow was falling lightly from the sky, wetting my hair that was in a ponytail. There weren't many people on the streets. The cold was biting my fingers and crossed my arms to keep warm, not that I needed warmth. Soon it'll be over for real, I thought.

***Niall's POV***

My heart sank even further while all the boys were saying goodbyes to their girlfriends and I just stood there. When they all had said their goodbyes we turned around to the check in. I told myself to breathe, it's over...

"Niall?" I heard a voice call my name as we were about to check in. I turned around and felt my jaw drop.

"I-Inez?" I stuttered. I thought I was never going to see her again and there she was, standing in the middle of the airport. Her breaths were uneven, and her eyes red. She looked terrible. She was thinner than ever, thinner than at the hospital months ago, she had bags under her eyes, she'd obviously failed to tame her red hair and just out it into a ponytail. But the fact that she was actually here overpowered everything else. Tears filled her eyes and she ran over to me. She ran into my arms and I lifted her up. Inez wrapped her legs around my waist and I just held her. I think we were both crying.

"I'm so, so sorry." Inez looked at me, tears just streaming down her cheeks. "I should've never left. I don't expect you to ever forgive me but I love you." She cried. I was stunned at her words. She thought I'd never forgive her? How could I be mad at her?

"You did what you thought was right, and how could I be mad at you? I love you." A beautiful smile came to her lips which made me smile too. I started into her beautiful eyes and then kissed her. I'd missed the feeling so much. I don't think I've ever kissed a girl like that. It was emotional, deep, passionate.

***Inez's POV***

My breathing was heavy and uneven from the kiss. This was my way to put a stop to my pain. My heart won over my head and I'm glad it did. I guess even though people are bad at goodbyes they're more important than anything. Without a goodbye, it's unimaginable and that's what I was afraid of. I cried holding Niall's face in my hands.

"I never want to lose you." He told me and put me down. I kissed him one last time before stepping away, letting him join the other boys who had already checked in and were waiting for him.

"I love you." I told him one last time.

"I love you too!" He yelled for the whole airport to hear and I laughed. I watched as his blonde hair disappear and felt sadness. But yet I was happy with my decision. I would've regretted not saying goodbye. I turned around to find three gobsmacked girls. Laura, Jackie and Anna were just staring at me. Perrie and Eleanor were talking to each other not paying attention to them.

"Are completely out of your mind?" Laura yells at me and runs to hug me. I hug her back just as tight. It doesn't take long for Anna and Jackie to join and then Eleanor and Perrie. "I was out of my mind worried about you!" Laura tells me pulling away from the hug.

"Weren't we all?" Anna asked and looked at the girls who nodded, even Eleanor and Perrie. "What happened?"

"C'mon, I'll tell you later." I smiled. "Let's go home." I said and they all followed.

By this time we'd accepted that they were actually going to be gone and maybe not want to be with us again. We accepted that they might not still love us when they come back, but it's been an adventure. One that none of us ever wanted to end. It's been a roller coaster with both good and bad. Good being all laughs we shared bad being when one of us was sad. Maybe this is one to tell my future kid? How mummy was dating a member of an internationally famous band? I'll hold on to this forever and I wouldn't change a thing that's happened in these couple months. How lucky I've been to meet them, to survive being hit by a car and a heart attack, to have one of them love me as theirs and no one else's, to know them as brothers. Sometimes we forget to appreciate the things in life and we forget to live in the moment. How we always think to the future. But I had a good feeling. What if I don't see them in ten months when they some back? They've loved me once so why not twice? But I was almost certain that they would find someone on tour, but who cares? I mean, these last couple months have been an adventure, but I guess all adventures have to come to an end...



More Than Lucky ~A One Direction Fanfic~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang