Chapter 25 Isn't she lovely!

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***Laura's POV***

We all ran upstairs to get ready. Even the boys. The problem was that since we shared rooms we had to wait for our turns in the shower. But I'm a clever one so I asked Inez if I could use hers. She said it was ok. All us girls managed to call dibs on the shower first, after we settled in my room to do hair and make-up. I was doing Anna's make-up whilst Inez was doing my hair and Jackie was doing Perrie's make-up and Eleanor was doing Perrie's hair. Almost all of us girls curled our hair, except Me. Inez straitened it.

"All done!" Inez said finishing of my hair, moving onto Anna's. with our little team we managed to get ready really fast. The boys were of course faster and had made sure everything was ready. We all slipped into our outfits and were ready. We didn't wear formal dresses, more party-like clothes. At eight the guests started arriving, some I'd seen at Niall's party and a couple new faces.

***Inez's POV***

The party was a blast. It was surprisingly calm since there weren't three hundred people there! Louis really seemed to enjoy himself, which made us all happy! It meant that he enjoyed his birthday and that made us proud as friends! The party was getting close to it's end so we told everyone to go up on the roof. Louis seemed a bit confused but Eleanor whispered something to him which seemed to be reassuring. When all the people were up on the roof, Niall messaged the people we asked to set the fireworks of.

Suddenly the sky was lit up in bright colours. It was chilly out so up was hugging Niall. I see I wasn't the only one who needed a hug. Laura and Harry were, as usual, snogging!

"Save it for New Years!" I said hitting Laura playfully on her arm.

"We need to practice!" Harry winked at Laura, who blushed.

"You've had enough practice for a century" Niall laughed. I looked over and saw Louis standing with Eleanor. They were perfect together!

"How'd you like your surprise?" I smiled at him.

"I love it!" He laughed with joy. I walked over to Jackie, who was standing extra close to Braylen. She was leaving tomorrow. You see, she wanted to spend Christmas with her family. And when I say family I mean her mum and little brother. Jordan had been asking her to come home and she just couldn't leave him! I felt like all our families were a little broken. Most families are, and that's what makes us unique! It's what makes us different. Everyone has their own story, some more sad than others. Braylen's story was very inspiring. He came all the way from America to Britain to spread his music. He hadn't found anyone that wanted to sign him in America so he came here to pursue his dreams. The boys had talked to Simon and they're trying to arrange a meeting where Simon can hear how talented Braylen was. Anyways, back to the now!

"What're you thinking so much about?" Niall asked slinging his arm around me.

"The meaning of life!" I joke. We stood there together watching the end of the fireworks and then all the guests started making their way home. It was a fun night! Jackie had gone to bed pretty quickly since she needed to get home early. Braylen was probably with her since he was nowhere to be found.

"OH MY GOODNESS!" I stop in my tracks.

"What?" The others ask tiredly.

"It's past midnight! Therefore it is Christmas and Santa was here when we were on the roof AND I don't have to be nice now cuz he already left the gifts!" I said excitedly. The others just mumbled sleepy things and went to bed. I went into our room, wide awake.

"I'm wide awake!" I start singing Katy Perry.

"Well, I'm not! Good night!" Niall said and flopped down on the bed. I laid down beside him.

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