Chapter 30 This is why

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WARNING: This chapter contains a serious topic. If you have a hard time reading these kinds of things please skip it. I don't want to be held responsible if you do something. Thank you.

**Inez's POV**

After Jackie had ran out of the room we all stod there in shock. I was probably the first to run after her. I went into her room but it was empty so I tried the bathroom door. It was locked which meant that she was obviously in there. The sobs were piercing my heart. She thought her mum had longer.

"Jackie?" I knocked carefully on the door. My call was only returned with a couple sobs. "Jackie, c'mon open the door." Anna and Zayn came into the room and saw me at the bathroom door.

"Is she in there?" Zayn asked pointing to the door. I nodded and he came over to knock on the door. "Jackie?" He knocked carefully just like I did. All coming from the other side of the door were stifled sobs. "Please?" She didn't answer. Anna walked over to the dresser and picked up a hair pin. She twisted it until it looked straight. She walked over to the door and stuck the hair pin in the lock and twisted it. We heard a light 'click' from the door unlocking. It didn't seem like Jackie had noticed since the door didn't lock again. I grabbed the door handle slowly and pushed down. The door slowly opened. All our jaws dropped at the sight. Jackie sat there with a blade against her wrist. At least ten cuts up and down her forearm and blood dripping onto the floor. Zayn reacted quickly and ran to her and took the razor blade out of her hand. She was shaking and it made more blood drip on the floor. Anna took some paper and wet it, whipping the blood of her arm. They hugged her and I was just standing there. I knew very well about her cutting herself but it's different when you see it. You see, she's not the only one who's cut herself. I used to too, but I managed to stop. The boys don't know, the only ones who know are Laura and Jackie. Laura's known since I started since she spotted cuts on my wrists and when Jackie told me she cut herself I shared my secret with her too. I started at the age of thirteen stopped then started, stopped then started and so on.

"Inez? Are you okay?" Zayn looked over at me. My face was probably pale and my body was frozen. I slowly nodded and made my way over to Jackie.

"Could you give me a minute with her?" I asked looking at Anna and Zayn also asking them to talk to the others. I closed the door after them and sat on the floor looking at Jackie, who was still shaking.

"This won't solve it." I told her straight forward.

"It takes away the pain, out of all people you should know that." She replied, staring into space.

"I do know but just because it doesn't hurt doesn't mean it helps. You need to be strong now, for you and for Jordan. And with your mum not here anymore you're gonna have to stand up to your dad." I told her as she ran her fingers up and down the cuts. I had a hard time just looking at her arms.

"Don't call him that!" Jackie screamed and hit the mirror. The glass came crashing down and cut into her fist. She didn't even flinch at the pain.

"Jackie!" I screamed and jumped back. I'd never seen this side of her before. I quickly grabbed her fist tight and poured cold water on it removing any remaining glass. "Please don't do this." I beg her.

"I don't want to anymore." She breaks into tears. "I can't." She cries into my shoulder. I stroke her hair. I could never picture myself in her situation. After she'd cried on my shoulders for minutes I told her to go out to the kitchen and put some bandage on her fist and forearms. She did as told and I followed. As I looked back into the bathroom, it's an awful sight. There's glass on the floor and blood on the sink and floor. Quickly I shut the bathroom door not wanting Jordan to see it. The others looked up at us when we came in.

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