Chapter 26 Broken.

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AUTHOR'S NOTE; This is a very sad chapter. If you're sensitive I suggest a box of tissues! Now you're gonna find out everything about Jackie. So if you didn't like her before, you might change your mind about her after this! Thank you!

**Jackie's POV**

It was still early when I'd packed all my bags. I was sad to leave, but I just had to see my mum and brother. Jordan said he missed me and I missed him. It was very unfair of me to leave, dad got angry. Very angry. He usually took his anger out on me. Yelled at me, hit me, kicked me. But now he did all those things to poor little Jordan. I was at least older and could take the blows better, Jordan is only seven. I owed it to him to come back. It was almost a year ago I left, but I had been back twice just to see mum. She was worried for me and for Jordan. She knew what dad did, but since she's in hospital she can't do anything about it. She's also scared that he'll have a go at her. My family is just broken. Broken. The only word circulating through my mind. If mum dies, Jordan will have to live with dad. Permanently. That can't happen. He'll beat him to death I swear.

"Jackie, are you all right?" Braylen snapped me out of my thoughts. I didn't realise 'til now that I was crying.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine." I stuttered, wiping the tears away. I bet the others were having a lovely Christmas, whilst I was going to be with my sick mother and abused brother at the hospital. The thought kills me.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Braylen walks over to me and takes my hands. I pull away quickly.

"No." Is all I manage to choke out. Braylen knew very well about my family and past, except for why I left. That story no one knew. Mum knows. I still wasn't strong enough to talk about it. The scars from it were still on me and in me. I glance at the clock. It's soon time to leave. I grab my bag and start walking to the car. Braylen ran up next to me and grabbed my bag for me. He smiled. Every time he smiled at me I got butterflies. I had no choice but smile back.

"Thanks." I said. I looked back and saw the others coming to say goodbye. For now, not forever. I could never let go of them forever.

"Have a great Christmas at home! It's gonna be no fun with you here!" Inez hugged me. She was so good to everyone. Always. I hugged her back tightly.

"Tell your mum we said hi!" Anna hugged me. I had told all the boys now. Since we've known each other a couple months and I know I can trust them. It didn't feel fair to not let them know.

"It was such fun meeting you!" Perrie hugged me. I got along quite well with her, although she would get a bit jealous sometimes, since I was so close to Zayn.

"I'll miss you!" Zayn hugged me. I hugged him back just as tight.

"Don't worry! I won't be gone for all eternity!" I laughed and hugged the rest of them. "Where's Harry and Laura? They haven't said goodbye!"

"Oh, I'll text them!" Inez said as if she remembered something. She tapped quickly on her phone and it didn't take long for them to come. It surprised me to see them coming running out if the forest. It made laugh though.

"Bye! I'm gonna miss you loads!" Laura said and hugged me. I said goodbye to Harry and then got in the car with Braylen. He was catching a flight to America to see his family. The drive was quite long but we spent it under complete silence. I was reading and he was driving.

* * * *

"I'm gonna miss you, Braylen." I said, kissed him and got out of the car.

"I'm gonna miss you too!" He said. "I love you."

"I love you too!" I said before he drove of. I took a deep breath and looked around. I hated this place. I was back in Kent. I was born and raised here, and I hated it more than ever. I picked up my bag and started walking. Walking to the hospital. It didn't take long, since I knew every short cut to it. I walked in to the familiar hospital. I was born here, I thought. I shook that thought away quickly and started walking to the reception.

More Than Lucky ~A One Direction Fanfic~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang