Chapter 10 Living While We're Young!

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***Inez's POV***

I finished of the song. Niall still had his eyes closed but he was smiling. No, I'm not going to let him lay there and sleep. This is unacceptable! I'm not putting up with this! NO! ;)

"Wake up!" I told him.

"No!" He wasn't opening his eyes.

I went out of the room and got the others. We snuck into the room quietly. But Laura failed a bit tripping on her own feet. She's such a moron. But she's my best moron friend! We're morons together! Yay!

"WAKE UP FATTY!" We all screamed and started jumping on the bed. It was difficult since we were eight people trying to jump on a bed, whilst trying not to kill Niall. Laura thought it would be fun to push me over so I fell onto the bed. I don't know how but I managed to knock all the others whilst falling. Strike!

"Clumsy as ever!" Laura grinned at me.

"You pushed me!" I was almost shouting.

"Whatever you say!" She said back.

"Don't you dare use my come backs!" I said and went for her. I started chasing her, and all the others followed. I ended up tripping her onto the sofa but she is not capable of falling normally, so she fell and did a little flip on the couch, then ended up knocking the lamp, that was on the table beside the sofa, so it broke. We were all just cracking up! Anna did of course film it all as usual!

"Who's the clumsy one now!" I said crossing my arms proudly.

"Who's the clumsy one now!" Laura was mocking me. That's not acceptable! I ran over to the couch. She was lying on her back. I started tickling her under her chin! I know her weak spots! She was laughing so hard she couldn't even breathe! The others were laughing and soon joined in tickling Laura.

"Stop it!" She said through her laughs. "I'm gonna pee my pants!"

We all stopped at those words. Laura had once tickled me so much I threw up. She's been afraid of tickling me ever since! Haha, wimp! Is that mean? No!

"Let's tickle Inez!" The boys said grinning.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!" Laura said, thinking back to the same memory I was just thinking about.

"Why?" They looked confused. It was a long time ago so we didn't know Jackie and Anna then, so they were also confused. "Isn't she ticklish?"

"Yes, but I tickled her so much once that she was sick! It was disgusting!" Laura made a face. I was just laughing like the idiot I am! The boys didn't care about what Laura said and started tickling me. Laura on the other hand was keeping her distance. I was laughing so hard! I haven't had this much fun since me and Laura pranked our intire school. Yes, we are the masters! They were tickling me so hard, and I was kicking my legs.

"Stop it! I might just kick you!" I shouted through my laughs. I was looking at Harry when I said that.

"Why are you looking at me!?" He was pretending to be offended.

"Because you deserve it the most!" I was narrowing my eyes playfully at him.

"What have I done!?"

"More like what have 'we' done!" Jackie was getting at what I meant. With those words the others got it too. Ah, the looks on Laura and Harry's faces! I love messing with them.

"Nice!" Louis said and highfived me.

"Are we gonna eat breakfast or what?!" Anna said changing the subject. They had already started when I came down and asked for help waking Niall. We sat and had breakfast trying to decide on what to do today.

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