Chapter 3 Movie nights and a phone call!

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**Inez's POV**

Laura came walking into the living room but me and Niall refused to stop staring at each other. But I could see her eyes widen in the corner of my eye. Just as her mouth opened I held my hand up to remind her that she is not allowed to fan girl. She took a deep breath.

"What exactly are you doing?" She asked after a while of silence.

"Staring competition." I said bluntly. I was focusing hard.

"Oh, Niall you're gonna lose!" she said and sat down on the floor beside us. (Me and Niall where sitting facing each other on sofa.)

"No, I already won once over her!" He said staring into my eyes.

"Yeah, cheater! I blinked when a car alarm went of outside 'cause it scared me!" I tried to defend myself. I wanted to hit myself for talking that fast and without noticing it myself, I BLINKED!

"Yes! I win! I win!" Niall was doing a celebratory dance in the middle of the lounge and not long after Laura joined! It was so jolly, I had to join to! Then Jackie and Anna came in.

"What freakin' freak!" Jackie was looking at us whilst we where dancing 'normally'.

"Niall is celebrating wining a staring contest against Inez!" Laura explained but she wouldn't stop dancing. Non of us would!

"HE BEAT THE MASTER!?" Jackie was shocked.

"Yup!" He said proudly. It wasn't long until we where all dancing like idiots in the living room! After a while we got tired and we all sat down to talk.

"So what are your names?" Niall asked the girls.

"I'm Laura and that's Jackie and Anna." Laura answered. You could hear it in hear voice that she was trying not to flip. We talked a bit more, and then all of a sudden a pillow fight began! It was me Niall against the girls!

"Niall careful don't move my earring fell out!" Jackie shouted and everyone stopped moving. She looked at the ground for it and then looked up. "Gotcha!" she shouted and started hitting Niall with the pillow again. After a bit more pillow fighting we decided to have dinner. Me and Laura where quite skilled in the kitchen! We made pasta with garlic, asparagus and bacon. (A/N: Seriously try the pasta! It's so good!)

After finishing I said I could wash up. The other girls left but Niall stayed.

"It's fine really I can do it myself!" I said when Niall started helping me.

"No, I want to help!" he insisted.

"No, just go and talk to the other girls! I'll be fine here." I don't really know why I wanted him to leave, I mean it's Niall Horan! Just as I was going to get another plate to wash, he grabbed my hands. "Inez, most people like to get some help! I insist on helping you!" he smiled at me.

"Okay!" I was putting some plates away. He started washing some of the pans we cooked with. He grabbed a load of foam and suddenly threw it at me!

"Oh no you didn't!" I said in an American voice!

"Oh yes I di-id!" he laughed back. It broke out into a foam war!

"I totally just won that!" I said brushing my nails on my shoulder.

"No! I did! " he protested.

"Whatever you say!" I said.

"No I did really win!" he claimed.

"Whatever makes you happy!" I was really teasing him now!

"Right that does it!" he said and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Niall James Horan you put me down right now!" I screamed.

"Hm, no!" he said. I was screaming like a maniac. The girls came running in and burst out laughing at me screaming like a whoss!

"I'm to young to die!" I shouted which made them laugh even more.

We calmed down a bit and started watching a movie. Well, we didn't really watch it, we just talked over it. The movie finished and Niall said he had to get back. The girls ran into Laura's room as I followed Niall to the door.

"I had a great time! The girls have to meet the boys! It will be absolute chaos!" he smiled.

"Yeah, Laura would love to meet Harry!" I winked at him.

"Well, goodnight!" he said and hugged me.

"Night!" I said and hugged him back and shut the door after him.

I went into Laura's room.

"Are we gonna get to meet the boys?!" Laura looked so happy!

"Probably!" I said smiling at them. "Wait, were you eavesdropping?"

"Maybe...." Laura said looking around 'innocently'. We all laughed.

* * * *

"Inez! Can you call Niall so we can meet the boys?" Laura was way to excited.

"Okay, I think we were gonna do something anyway!" I said eating my breakfast.

"Wait! Only one of the boys are single!" Jackie shrieked.

"No. Niall and Harry..." I said.

"Well, Niall's practically yours. So Laura it's on!" Jackie said.

"Bring it!" Laura and Jackie are crazy!

"Don't you think Harry should get to chose himself!? I mean he might not want one of you!" Anna said making a valid point.

"True, but I'm gonna go for it!" Laura said.

"Yeah, me too!" Jackie chuckled.

After breakfast I jumped in the shower and got dressed. As I was doing my make-up Niall phoned me. Does he know when I do my make-up and purposely texts me?

"Hey hey hey!" I loved talking to him.

"Hi! I thought we should introduce the girls to the boys! They seemed very excited to meet them!" he said. I could hear the boys in the background and figured I was on speaker phone.

"Yeah, don't forget I haven't met them either!" I smiled to myself.

"Yeah Niall! When are you going to introduce us to your girlfriend!?" Louis was teasing him in the background.

"Shut up!" he snapped at Louis.

"I can still hear you!" I said.

"We'll come at one, okay?"

"Sure, I'll tell the girls not to freak!" Eventhough I knew that was impossible.

"Haha, yeh bye!" he chuckled.

"BYE!" I heard all the boys in the background.

"Oh wait! I'll let the girls say hi!" I said before they could hang up.

"Okay!" Liam said.

"Hi Liam!" I said

"Hi Inez!" he said back. I got the girls and put the speaker phone on.

"Okay say hi to the boys!" I smiled looking at Jazz and Lozzie's reaction. Their eyes widened.

"Hi!" Anna said coolly.

"Hi!" we heard all the boys.

"H-Hi!" Jackie and Laura stuttered.

"Are they okay?" Liam asked.

"They're fine!" I said.

"We'll see you later okay?" Niall asked making sure everything was planned.

"Yeah, don't worry I'll get Jackie and Laura to snap out of it!" I grinned at the two girls who just looked shocked .

We all said bye and now the girls where just waiting for one o'clock to come around.

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