Authors note

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  • Dédié à all the people reading and supporting me! <3

Hey guys! I just wanted to tell you some things! First of all feel free to ask any questions! I'd be more than happy to answer them! Second I wanted to thank you for getting me over 7,000 reads and it's increasing as I go along! It's really fun since it's my first fan fiction EVER!

Then I'd also like to say that if you ever feel down or anything I'm here! You can always talk to me! You can message me here. I will always be there and support you if you need it! It probably sounds cheesy, but if you feel like no one cares I want to say that I care! I care how you feel! Don't feel down! That's why I write stay happy! I love and care for you all! Remember that! Don't be afraid of messaging me because I don't judge people! So just wanted to tell you I'm here for you! Okay, I should get back to writing! ;)

xxx RainWriter <3

More Than Lucky ~A One Direction Fanfic~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant