Reminders and a Party crasher

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After dancing for a while peter and Felicia sat down at a table where they found Ned and Betty.

"Saw you two dancing. Did you two enjoy it?" Betty asked peter and Felicia.

"It was nice." Peter said.

"I think that's the first time we've ever danced together." Felicia said looking at peter. Peter nodded.

"I think so." Peter agreed.

"So Peter. Ned tells me you were valedictorian. How did that feel?" Betty asked.

"Meh. Not great, but not bad. It was ok. Don't get me wrong I'm proud that I was valedictorian but it didn't really change my standing in school." Peter replied. Just then Harry walks up.

"Hey guys guess who I just saw." Harry said.

"Who?" Ned asked.

"Liz Allen?" Harry said with a huge grin. Neds and Peters eyes popped.

"Liz Allen? The same Liz Allen that was the hottest girl in school?" Ned asked.

"Yeah. And she's still just as hot. Can you believe she came alone?" Harry said amazed.

"Dang. What did you do?" Ned asked.

"I asked if she'd like to be my date for this. She said she'd think about it." Harry said excited.

"Way to go Harry." Peter said giving him a high five. Just as they talk about this a women with blonde hair came up. Harry immediately saw her.

"Liz!" Harry said.

"Hi Harry. That offer still open?" Liz asked.

"Absolutely. Here. Let me pull out a chair for you." Harry said as she quickly pulled out a seat. When liz sat down she saw peter.

"Peter! Hi. It's been a while hasn't it?" Felicia asked.

"Yep. 6 years." Peter said.

"Yeah. Look I'm sorry for how rude I used to be." Liz said.

"Don't worry about it." Peter said. Harry saw peter forgiving liz as an opportunity.

"See that wasn't so hard. Now why can't you forgive flash?" Harry asked.

"Because liz didn't physically beat me. All she did was ignore me and occasionally make fun of me for something. She wasn't nearly as bad as him." Peter said. See if he wasn't making any headway Harry sighed and gave up.

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen." Someone said. Everyone looked and saw one of the schools former football players. Peter recognized him as one of Flash's old buddies who bullied peter along with flash. "Me and my friends have made a little presentation for everyone." He said with a evil grin. He pointed at his friends who started up a little projector that was hooked up to a computer. Peter also recognized from the same bully group. When the presentation started it was a video that must have filmed in their high school years. Peter noticed that the reunion organizer tried to get to the projector but the guys who set it up blocked her path. The video continued as people watched they grew confused. The camera then caught focus of what must have been a 15 year old peter Parker. Before he got his powers. Out of nowhere flash grabbed him and had one of buddies open a locker while peter struggled against flash but couldn't do anything. Flash then shoved peter into the locker while peter cried out for someone to help. It then changed to another video where several people including flash were throwing peter around in a circle. The next was flash and another one of his buddies taking him and throwing him into a trash can. Video after video of peter being bullied. In all of them people were laughing at peter and enjoying the show. The organizer for event was struggling to get to the projector and end it. Everyone couldn't do anything but watch the video, but now the only ones smiling and laughing were flashes old gang. Peter immediately got up from the table and left. As he went to the door another set of flash's buddies got in the way. Not thinking straight due to his rage peter performed a judo flip on one and kicked the others legs out from under him. Everyone saw this and just had their jaws drop. With that he went out the door. Finally the video ended abruptly. The guys holding the organizer back looked at the projector confused to see that flash had been the one to pull the plug. Flash then began to confront the idiot who performed this stunt stating how their so immature and idiotic to do this. Felicia got up and went after peter. As she walked she began to feel something. It was weird..... it was like she could feel the exact distance between her and the walls. She could feel the chairs in each room, the lights above her head, the air ducts in the ceiling. What was weirder was that this sense of connection with all of them was coming from her feet. Was this Peters seismic sense? The one that lets him feel the tremors in the ground and feel the location of almost everything? Knowing she wasn't about to find peter very easily Felicia lifted a leg and pulled off the high heel from it then did the same to her other foot. With her feet now in direct contact to the ground her sense of connection to her surroundings seemed to have expanded. Felicia began to look around with her new found ability until she found peter. She began to walk to where she sensed him. She came to a what appeared to be a lab room. Chemistry stuff lined the shelf's and in the back was a cabinet that was labeled 'Chemicals'. Felicia looked but couldn't see peter, he must be camouflaged, she knew he was here though.

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