First Day In The Villa

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Cody stepped out of the black limo. He was so excited to be on Love Island, his favorite TV show. Cody had been ready for his chance to enter the villa forever! When he saw he mansion, he was shocked. It was big and huge.

He stepped into the mansion and couldn't believe it. He wasn't the first boy to arrive! He looked around and was intimidated, everyone was so cool. He saw one boy in really short red shorts and walked over to him. "I'm Cody!" He said.

The boy nodded, "I'm Levi. Nice to meet you!" He has a thick British accent and lots of muscles.

Cody looked around some more, when he noticed another guy. He was dreamy and handsome, and he walked over to Cody and reached his hand out. "Hey. I'm Noel." Noel said, his green orbs piercing into Cody's.

Cody felt his heart beating so fast he thought he might have a heart attack. This boy was so handsome. He was exactly Cody's type.
Cody realized he hasn't responded, so he said, "I'm Cody. Nice to meet you."
Noel smiled at him. Cody's heart beated faster and he started to have breathing troubles.

Just then, another guy walked into the villa. "Ey! It's Tim!" The guy yelled. Cody's eyes rolled, he didn't appreciate how loud Tim was.

A crew member lined the boys up and told them they were gonna walk out to meet the girls. Cody knew he should feel excited, but he wasn't. He had already met the person he wanted to couple up with...
But guys couldn't couple up together. Right?

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