Lie Detector Time

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a/n: sorry for the lack of updates, i wrote this part last week and none of it saved so i didn't feel like rewriting it for a while...hope y'all understand!

Cody wakes up in Noel's strong arms. He feels safe and worm. Until he hears Jen's phone buzz next to him. "I got a text!" Jen yells, wacking everyone up.

"Today you will be put up to the lie detector challenge! You will ask your partner 3 questions!" Jen announces.

Noel kissed Cody's cheek and looked up at him, "Babe are you nervous about today?" Noel asked.

Cody was a little nervous, he wasn't sure what to ask Noel or what Noel would ask him. "A little. But I'm confident in us." Cody said, and held Noel's soft hands.

Noel smiled and got out of their bed, "I'm gonna get us some pens and paper to write our questions." He ran off.

As Cody looked around at the other islanders, he could see everyone was quickly writing questions. Next to him was Erikah, who was alone in her bed.

"What's wrong babe?" Cody asked.

Erikah sighs, "I'm starting to wish I had been sent home earlier instead of Allegra. Mason is the worst. And he's super old."

Cody nods. It must be tough on Erikah, her and Mason don't have much of a spark. "I'm sorry."

Noel runs back in with 2 pens and 2 paper. "Here love." He gives Cody one of each.

Cody sighs deeply and thinks about questions to ask. Finally he has his 3. He wants to test Noel some, but not two much.

1. Did you like our date yesterday?
2. Am I fitter than your old crush?
3. Do you see a future with me outside the villa?

Cody turns his questions in just as Chrysanthemum walks out in a lab coat. "Ok Cody! You're first."

Oh no! Cody didn't think he would be first. He walks over to the machine and gets strapped in. There's a camera pointed at him, and the other islanders are watching the footage in the next room. He feels like palms get sweaty.

"Ok! Noel's first question...Do you wish Noel whispered in your ear more?" Chrysanthemum asks.

"What? That's kind of an odd question. Hm, yeah. I guess I do. He has a very soothing voice!" Cody says.

"That's true! Good job." Chrysanthemum says. "Ok, next question, Did you ever graft on an islander beside Noel?"

"No. I never even thought about it." Cody answers.

Chrysanthemum smiles, "True! Good job. Last question, If Noel asked...would you be his boyfriend?"

Cody immediately answers, "Yes. I'd love that!"

"True! Grate job Cody. Time to face the other islanders." Chrysanthemum says.

Cody walks back out, and everyone claps for him. Noel quickly jogs over and gives Cody a huge smooch. "I can't believe you said yes! I'm so happy babe." Noel says. They sit down together.

The rest of the challenge is pretty boring. Most people give the correct answer. Finally, it's Noel's turn.

He walks in and David straps him in. "Ok. Good luck." David says. "First question. Did you like your date with Cody?"

Noel nods, "Yeah! It was amazing."

"True! Next question, is Cody the fitter than your old crush?" David asks.

Noel sighs and looks around the room nervously, "I'm not gonna lie. D was super fit, and Cody is really attractive He's not. But I don't care about looks!" Noel says.

Ouch. Cody is a bit hurt. At least Noel was honest...

"That's true. Last question, do you see a future with Cody outside the villa?" David asks.

Noel smiles, "Yes! I really do. I think Cody could be my soulmate."

"True! Good job mate!" David says, unstrapping Noel from the machine.

Noel rushes out of the room and runs into Cody's arms. "I meant it babe. I really like you!" Noel whispers in Cody's ear.

"I like you too babe." Cody says. They kiss, and the entire villa cheers.

But unfortunately for Cody, the villa still has a few more surprises in store for him and Noel...

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