Meeting The Girls

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One by one, all of the boys walked out to meet the girls. Cody was second to last, behind him was Tim. Who would not stop telling Cody about his rap music.

Cody was so relieved when he stepped out to meet the girls. He did finger guns and winked at them. After he finished his introduction, he walked back to the other boys. Next to Noel.

Noel was everything Cody wanted in a partner. He had beautiful emerald eyes, his skin was beautiful, his hair was so nice. Cody could see himself marrying Noel. He just knew that Noel was the man for him.

After Tim finished, Cody felt a buzz in his pocket. "I got a text!! Everyone I have a text!!" He yelled out. Everyone gathered by him. "For tonight's coupling, the girls are picking. We are gonna play a game before the coupling, but for now you guys are free to grafting!"

Everyone started to separate, and Cody saw Noel walk to the roof with a girl in a white bikini. His heart broke into pieces. He could not believe it. Suddenly, Cody's arm was grabbed by a girl.

She had on a pineapple swimsuit and smiled at Cody. "Hey! I'm Erikah. Nice to meet you." She said. She was standing next to another girl, who also introduced herself.
"Hey I'm Bethany." She said.
Cody asked about their jobs, Erikah was an actress and Bethany worked with a company called Girl Defined.

They made small talk for a while before Cody excused himself to the roof. He had to talk to Noel.

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