New Additions and New Couples

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The first person Cody saw was a girl. "Hi! I'm Chrysanthemum! Nice to meet you!" She said.

She seemed sweet, but then Cody noticed how she was looking at Noel, she was obviously into him.

"What do you do for work?" Cody asked her.

"Oh I just got out of some kind Now I sell Fit Tea and Hair Gummies on Instagram." Chrysanthemum said.

The other new person was a boy, he gave Cody a big smile and hug. "Hi Cody! I'm David." He said.

He also seemed nice, Cody didn't feel like he was a threat. "Im Cody, nice to meet you!" Said Cody.

Just then, Cody's pocket buzzed. "Hey guys I just got a text! It says...the recoupling is happening right now! Everyone go to the fireplace." Cody was stunned and so was everyone else.

It was girls pick and Bethany obviously wasn't going to choose him...and he hadn't even hanged out with any of the other girls!

Everyone gathered by the fireplace and Cody and Noel stood by each other. "Hey man, good luck." Noel whispered in Cody's ear.

As mad and confused as Cody was, he couldn't help but be charmed by Noel's sweet words.

Jen stood up first and choses Levi.
Erikah picks Tim.

Allegra stands up next and coughs. "The person I'm choosing is super fit! I love his banter and I can't wait for us to be the next Love Island super couple!" She said.

Cody was nervous, Allegra was the last person he wanted to be with!

"I choose Cody!" She said, in a raspy voice.

Cody walked over and hugged her, pretending to be happy. They sat down together next to the other couples.

Chrysanthemum is next, she takes a big breath and starts talking, "I'm coupling up with this boy because he's great, I think we could work super good together, and I love his personality. The boy I'm coupling up with is...Noel!"

Noel walks up and hugs her and they sit down. Talia looks very annoyed and confused. She gives Chrysanthemum a dirty glare.

Bethany is next, she seems a bit nervous. "Okay, I'm picking this boy because he seems really sweet and I'm excited to get to know him. I'm coupling up with...David!"

David walks up and high fives Bethany, they take a seat next to Noel and Chrysanthemum.

Talia walks up angrily, "I'm very blindsided right now, I guess some of the new people are two faced. I'm coupling up with Mason, I'm excited to see what could happen." She says and hugs Mason.

An awkward silence fills the air, no one knows what to say. Eventually, everyone separates off to sit with their partner alone. Allegra grabs Cody's hand and takes him to the pool.

"So Cody...I'm really excited to be with you." She says.

Cody doesn't want to make her mad, so he nods and says, "Yeah, you're seem really cool. I think this will be fun."

Allegra nods and keeps talking, "I want us to be a power couple. I want us to win this thing, and I already know the next couple I want to leave."

Cony looks at her confused, "Who?"

Allegra responds, "Chrysanthemum and Noel."

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