In Love

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Cody can't believe it. He wakes up and it's the big day. Today is the Love Island Finale!  He feels Noel's strong arms cuddling him.

Cody looks around at the other islanders, everyone is sleeping peacefully. Everything is so calm and peaceful. Cody feels Noel move next to him. "Hey babe. We made it." Noel whispers in Cody's ear.

Cody smiles and looks back at Noel, "I cant believe it. We're at the finale...and we're boyfriends!" Cody says.

Just as Cody enjoys his peaceful morning, he hears Tim yell out, "It's the Finale!"

The rest of the islanders start to wake up. Jen and Lacey walk out to make everyone coffee.

Mason gets a text, "Today the islanders will write a sweet message for their partner to read before the winner is announced. Good luck everyone!"

Oh no! Cody is nervous. What if Noel doesn't like what Cody writes?

Cody walks with the other guys to the gym to write, as Noel goes with the girls.

"So, you gonna write some gay stuff for Noel?" Tim asks.

"Shut up Tim. I wanna write something sweet." Cody says, getting a pen and paper.

"I don't know mate, would Noel want romantic stuff? Or would he want banter?" Mason asks.

"I'm not really sure. I just want to be real with him..." Cofy begins writing.

Just as Cody finishes, Tim gets a text. "Guys! Time to show our partner our letters." He says.

David and Talia go first.
Then Tim and Jen.
Then Lacey and Mason.

Finally, it's Cody and Noel's turn.

Cody faces his boyfriend and begins talking, "Noel, when I came into this villa I was scared and nervous. Then I saw you, and I immediately knew we we're supposed to be together. We're overcome so much and I can't believe we made it. You are the best boyfriend I could ask for. I cannot weight to see what happens in the future." Cody says and takes a deep breath, "I..I love you Noel."

Noel grins big and gives Cody a big kiss. "I love you too baby." Noel begins to read his letter, "I've never met someone like you. You have everything I want in a partner, handsome, funny, nice. You make me feel special. I know that we have something unique. I love you so much Cody, and I'm so happy to be your bf." Noel says, and the boys hug.

The other islanders slow clap as the boys jog back to the group. Then Talia gets text and reads it, "Islanders, go back to the fire pit and sit down. We are about to announce the Love Island winner!"

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