Talking To Talia

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Cody woke up. His back was sore after sleeping on the uncomfortable couch. He couldn't wait to final have a bed. Unfortunately, Noel hadn't come out for a swim this morning.

Cody put on clothes and walked to the kitchen for breakfast. The only person in the room was Talia. She was making coffee and seemed pretty sad. When she saw Cody, she waved.

"Hi Cody. How are you?" She said.

As much as Cody wanted Talia out of the picture, he knew she wasn't a bad person. So he tried to help her. "What's wrong Talia?" He asked.

She shruged. "Things arent going well for me and Noel."

Cody tried to contain his excitement. "Oh that's too bad."

Talia looked up and him and sighed. "I know you too have a thing going on."

There was an awkward silence for a few minutes.

"It's okay. But I need time to get over him. I'll just have to graft on someone else I guess." She said.

"I mean, he's pretty great. Defiantly everyone's time on paper. He's got the looks and the banter...what's not to like?" Said Cody.

Talia nodded. "That's why I thought we would work well together. But obviously it's not great. I think I may talk with Tim."

Cody's blood began to boil. He didn't like Tim and he didn't want Talia, his friend, to couple up with someone like that. "I don't really care for him to be honest. He's kind of annoying."

Talia shrugged and walked off with her coffee. Suddenly, Tim walk up behind Cody.

"What the hell mate?" He said.

"Sorry dude. That's just how I feel." Cody said being honest.

"You better watch your back Cody." Tim said and walked off.

Cody could tell they would probably have problems but he didn't want to think about that now. He had more important things to focus on, like...Noel.

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