The First Coupling

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Cody got dressed for the coupling. He was nervous and anxious too see who would choose him. He knew there were more guys than girls and someone would be sent packing, he prayed to God it wasn't him or Noel.

Noel must have noticed Cody's nerves and walked up to him and patted his back. Cody felt soothed and less nervous. "Hey dude. I know it's weird but I'm positive someone will pick you." Noel said.

Cody looked at Noel and nodded. "Yeah. I hope so. I'd would be a shame to leave you." Cody said without thinking.

To Cody's relief, Noel smiled back. "Oh my god you're so cheeky. Can't believe you're grafting on me a few minutes before we couple up."

Another guy, Miles entered the room and told everyone to meet at the fire pit. So everyone walked to the fire pit and stood in a line. The girls walked out and so stood in a line.

Jen's phone buzzed and she announced the order of the girls, Jen, Allegra, Talia, Erikah, and Bethany.

Jen walked up and made a short speech before choosing Levi. Allegra followed and picked Mason. Cody's palms got sweety as he waited to see who Talia would pick.

"I'm gonna pick this guy because he's got loads of banter! He's so fun and chill." Talia said, "I'm picking...Noel!" Noel walked up to Talia, kissed her cheek, and they sat down.

Cody felt conflicted. He was glad that Noel was staying, but also jealous of him and Talia. He wanted to be the one Noel kissed and hugged.  He was so deeply in thought he missed Erikah picking Tim.

It was down to Bethany to choose between him and Miles. He wasn't sure what Bethany would do. Just because they had talked before didn't mean she would choose him. He hoped she would, so he could stay in the villa and get with Noel.

Bethany took a huge breathe and walked forward. "Okay boys." She started, "I hate to make this decision. But I'm choose this boy because he's kind and funny."

Cody was so nervous, his palms were sweeting like crazy and he couldn't stop thinking about what would happen if she didn't choose him. He would probably fall into a deep depression without Noel. He didn't want to be without him.

"The boy I've chosen is...Cody!" Bethany said. Bethany walked out and gave Cody a handshake. They sat down together.

Miles got a text and said goodbye to everyone. As he was saying bye, Cody made eye contact with Noel.

Noel's cucumber colored orbs looked relieved. Cody wondered if Noel was worried about Cody leaving. When Noel caught Cody looked back, he gave him a smile and wink.

Cody couldn't wait to spend the next week grafting on Noel, if only he could get rid of Talia...

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