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Author Note: uhh thanks for 500+ reads y'all are great !!:)

Unfortunately for Allegra, no one hears her yelling. Because David gets a text and yells louder than her, "everyone in the gym! I got a text!"

Allegra gives Cody and Noel a dirty look and the 3 of them walk to the gym.

"The next recoupling is happening tomorrow, it's guys choice. Have fun grafting!" David reads from his phone.

Everyone splits up but as Cody walks away Allegra grabs his arm. "What the hell?" She says.

Cody shrugs. "Sorry not sorry." He flips his hair and walks back to the pool.

As Cody lounges in a pool chair, Mason comes up and sits by him. "Hey mate can we chat?" Mason asks, he seems nervous.

"Sure. What's up?" Cody says.

"So you know how it's my birthday? And we got the edible arrangement and everything?" Mason asks, biting his lip.

Cody nods. "Yeah."

Mason takes a deep breathe. "I'm not 25, I'm 45." He says.

Cody is shocked. Now that he looks at Mason, he can't sort of tell, it's obvious Mason has had plastic sugery but Cody didn't think we was that old.

"Mate I really like Talia, should I tell her about my age..?" Mason asks, he seems really nervous.

Cody is flattered that Mason is asking for his help. Mason has become a good friend and he hopes things work out with Talia, "Dude, she's probably not gonna be supper happy, but honestly is the best policy!"

Mason nods, "thanks mate. I'll keep your secret too."

Cody turns his head and stars at Mason, "Uh what?"

"I know about you and Noel. It's okay mate. I think you guys are super cute together." Mason says and walks away.

Cody sits alone by the pool and thinks. He feels really tense. Allegra and Mason know about him and Noel...Pretty soon the villa would know for a fact that Noel and Cody were had feelings for each other.

Cody stands up and makes his way to Noel. Cody has to make sure they are on the same page..they're gonna break all the rules and couple up.

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