Bye Bethany

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Cody wakes up and immediately feels worried. Until he feels Noel's strong arms wrapped around him. He snuggles into Noel's chest, and looks up to see Talia in the bed next too him. She's sleeping alone.

"What's up Talia?" Cody asks.

Talia turns to him and sighs, "I broke things off with Mason last night. For good. I couldn't stay with him after what he did...I feel like a mug." She says sadly.

"I'm sorry Talia. You gotta crack on. I bet a lot of the boys in the villa would want to a chance with you. You're basically everyone's type on paper." Cody says, trying to cheer her up.

She nods, "Thanks mate..." Just then, her phone dings. "Everyone! Wake up! I got a text!"

Everyone in the bedroom starts to wake up, "The next recoupling is happing tonight!" Talia announces.

There's whispers around the room, and everyone slowly gets out of bed and starts to get ready. Noel squeezes Cody closer into him. " you still wanna be coupled up?" Noel whispers in Cody's ear.

Cody sighs, "I-I don't know Noel..I need a little bit of time to think." Cody says.

Noel nods, "I understand. Well..I'm not gonna graft on anyone today. I don't want anyone else." He says, and gets out of the bed.

As Cody looks around the bedroom, he notices Bethany is still in bed. She meets Cody's ayes and frowns at him. "Cody. Can we talk?" She asks.

As much as Cody dislikes her, he wants to be a nice person. "Sure Bethany, what's up?"

"I'm thinking of leaving the villa. Half of the guys here are homosexuals and the other half aren't holy at's not my crowd." She confesses.

Cody is shocked, love island is a one time experience...and Bethany is leaving? But she does make everyone in the villa miserable, so many it wouldn't be too bad. "If you want too." Cody replies.

Bethany nods and walks out of the bedroom. Cody gets up as well, and puts on his swimsuit. He heads down to the pool to do some sunbathing, when he gets a text.

'Bethany has decided to leave the villa. This means we are at an uneven number of islanders, whichever islander doesn't have a couple at the end of the recoupling, will be sent home." The text says.

Oh no. Cody thinks. He may be the deciding choice of who will stay and who will go...

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