23. Abhi Na Jao Chodkar

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Whole family were gathered infront of Annika's room. Annika's condition was still the same and it has been two whole days. They didn't let any one meet her because of her deteriorating health. Shivaay threatened,cried but still the answer was NO from the doctors.

Doctor came out of Annika's ward.

"Am sorry Mr. Oberoi I don't think she will survive"

Shivaay didn't react,he stumbled back

"What do you mean by she won't survive??You are lieing" Gauri screamed and Om was trying hard to calm her down. Rudr and Soumya was with Sahil. Pinky hugged Shakti and cried harder. Without caring about anything Shivaay rushed inside the room,doctor tried to stop him but Tej intervened.

"Please doctor,let him see her for once" Doctor nodded his head


Shivaay slowly stumbled and walk towards his Annika. There she was laying lifelessly with all those medical equipments. Her one hand and leg were bandaged and in the other hand IV drip . Her breathing was still low even after the oxygen tube was used. Is this his same khidkithod Annika?Her face was pale showing that she had a heavy blood loss.

He was hesitated to go near her. He wanted to hug her tightly so that all those broken pieces  join back but what if his one touch hurts her. He don't want to see his Annika in pain He sat near her,slowly he held her hand like a glass doll and stroked her bandaged head.

"Annika don't play like this. You know right I don't like such games. Ankhen kholo Annika. It's been two days I didn't hear your voice. Just get up and call me all those weird names, I promise I won't tell you to stop and what about throwing water on me. Get up and do it"

He leaned onto her head placed his cheek against her head

"I need you Annika,We have just started our life after defeating all the obstacles,you cannot leave me in midway. We have planned so much our future,our dreams , how can you just go without completing those promises 'Chahe jaan jism se juda hojaye par Shivaay Annika se kabhi juda nahi hoga' yaad haina? . Please come back Annika. I need you"

A tear drop oozed and fell down on her eyelid,unknown to him her eyelids showed a movement.


Where am I??It's so dark. I wanted to scream but I am not able to. This darkness gives me an eerie feeling. Why am not able to find anyone?. What's happening to me? Why do I feel that am flying? Am I really flying??

Who is that?? Papa and that's me and chutki. We are playing and who is that lady taking away my papa. No she can't do that. I tried to run behind them. There that lady pushed my papa from a cliff ,why did she do that??and who is she?? That lady turned towards me but the vision was not clear,but slowly the vision cleared it was Roop bua. She was laughing like a maniac. Vision blurred.

I could see myself beside a man. Who is he?? "Shivaay" . We were dancing and swaying beautifully to a music until a thunderstorm struck,everything went dark. Some force  was taking me away from Shivaay and Shivaay was running behind me. I don't want to leave him. We just started our life,I can't leave him in midway. I tried to freed myself from that force but it was stronger. Shivaay tried to grab my hand but he fell down,I turned back to see him kneeling down and saying me to go back. Vision blurred. I felt as if I was thrown to ground.


Shivaay panicked seeing Annika's condition. Her breathing rate was high,she was sweating

"Annika ,kya hua----Doctor--"


I have no idea what I have written,chandini chameli all welcome. I deserve it .

Comments/Suggestions/Criticisms all welcome

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