36. Insecurities

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Shivika settled on their bed,Shivaay leaning onto the bed rest and Annika resting her head on his chest. Caressing her hair he placed a kiss on her forehead and as a reflex she kissed his chest and tightened her hold.

"You know what Shivaay,aaj mein khidkithod khush hun. Feels like I have everything in the world"

Shivaay was just listening to her,smiling and stroking her hair

"Even me too Annika,now we will have our very own small family. Feels like am completed"

Silence prevailed for sometime

"Am scared Shivaay" Annika said in a worried tone out of no where

"Huh??"Shivaay was baffled

"Shivaay I never knew what was family,what was family's love until I came here. I was grown up without a family,without a mother's love. Mujhe nahi pata ma ka pyar kya hota hai. I always craved for a mother,a mother's love. I have everything now mother,father,a big family,you ,even I got my chutki back,but--"

Shivaay didn't interefere,he let her talk 

"But am scared Shivaay. Will I be a good mother to our child?? What if I fail as a mother?? What if---" 

He didn't let her complete,Shivaay got up and cupped Annika's face. Her eyes were welled up. He gently removed those tear drops

"How could you even think of something like this Annika. Do you have any idea how beautiful strong khidkithod mother you would be?"

Annika looked on without blinking her eyes

"Annika you brought up Sahil,did you forget that? You were not a sister to Sahil but you were a mother and look at Sahil now he is just nine years old but his maturity and understanding capabilities are beyond his age and the whole credit goes to you. I don't think even OmRu have that kind of maturity"

He kissed her forehead and settled her head on his chest. He pulled her even more close.

"I am damn sure you will be the perfect mother for our child and Our baby will be the luckiest one to have you as its mother.  I can already picturise the strict mother and my poor babies"

Annika smiled,rubbing off her tears and nose she tightened her grip on Shivaay

"But haa I won't allow you to keep our baby's name as Chinku ,Minku and all" Annika quickly got up wiped her tears and hit his arm

"Ouch it hurts"

"Good for you, Do you really think I will keep such names for our baby"

"Tum Annika ho,kuch bhi kar sakti ho"

Annika smiled leaning back to his chest

"Waise Shivaay aapko billu chahiye yaa billi?"

Shivaay thought for a while

"Mujhe billi chahiye and am cent percent sure this is my mini version of khidkithod Annika here" He said placing his hand on her belly

"No this is my chotu billu,wo bhi with kanji aankhen" Annika retorted back

"No Annika this is mini Annika here"


"Oh ,May I now how do you know that Mrs?"

"Because mein unki maa hun"

"And you are forgetting something ,am her papa. Am equally responsible for her"

"Chee kitne cheapde hai aap. Can't you keep quiet in front of our baby"

"Huh?? I didn't say anything kind of cheapda. Chee Annika why your mind always travels in the other direction"

Annika frowned and was gonna say something but before that Shivaay interfered

"Ok,let's get into a conclusion,this is my choti Annika and next as per your choice a chotu billu and I don't mind having more billu billis" He said leaning onto her lips. She lightly slapped his cheek

"Besharam"she blushed and after a while she asked "waise aapko kitni bahche chahiye"

Shivaay thought for a while

"Four,no----Six-----no no----eight it is"

"What??Forget it" she frowned

She moved and laid on her side

"You are such a cheapda to tiffany"

Shivaay laughed "Its infinity"

"Haa jo bhi, I dont wanna talk to you, Good Night"

She faced the other side. Shivaay switched on the dim light on the table near to the bed side. Annika is no more afraid of darkness. Thanks to her councellor and Shivaay's and family's constant support. But still Shivaay continues this habit. Some things become your lifestyle eventually.

Shivaay moved towards Annika and spooned her from behind.

"Good night baby" He said huskily in her ear which sent shivers down her spine but she covered it

"My baby doesn't need your good night,now leave me" She struggled in his grip

"I was saying good night to my this baby" saying this he kissed her cheek and Annika smiled at this gesture. 

After all Annika will always be Shivaay's baby. Right??


Hey Am back. How are you all??

I know this is a short chapter but let me tell you a secret I really loved the way it turned out. Did you liked it?? 

Give some 'unique'suggestions for their pregnancy phase other than moodswings/cravings and all.

Suggestions/ Criticisms/ Comments all welcome

Happily Ever After √जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें