Chapter 4 - Dinner

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Connor fought the urge to text Riley first thing the next morning. It was difficult, but he managed to wait a couple days until Thursday finally arrived. He did his normal morning routine showering, making his coffee and breakfast. He dressed in a tailored charcoal suit today with a silk burgundy tie. As soon as he was ready, Connor left for the office.

All morning, Riley kept expecting her phone to do go off especially since it was the day of her date with Connor. Finally! Kaylee was at school by now and Riley was working from home trying to finalize next quarter's lesson plans but she couldn't stop thinking about Connor.

She had trouble sleeping last night from her steadily accumulating nerves. Her hand still tingled where Connor had rubbed circles on it the other day. His hands were so soft and warm. So very different from...No! Stop!

Thoughts of self-doubt kept ringing in her ears. Was Connor serious? Or a playboy just messing with her? Maybe some friends were in another corner of the bar laughing at her expense. Should she text? No, men enjoyed the pursuit. That was her mistake with Asher. Riley had been the pursuer instead of allowing herself to be pursued. This time, she would do things differently.

Be patient, Riley.


It was mid morning now. Shortly after 10:00, the morning meeting with a client was over and Connor couldn't take it anymore. He leaned back in his large black leather chair as he took out his phone and selected Riley's name.

Good morning.

Riley jumped as her phone dinged, signaling a new text message. She grabbed it, biting her lower lip to control her grin when she recognized the name she typed in for him: Portugal. Taking a few deep breaths, she waited a couple of agonizing minutes so she wouldn't come across as too eager.

"OK, that's long enough."

Good morning.

Connor smiled when she replied and began typing his right away.

Are you feeling better today?

Riley decided she didn't have to keep him waiting between texts anymore.

A little...still a lot on my mind.

Hopefully dinner tonight will ease your anxiety.

I hope so, too.

I'll pick you up at 6:00. Text your address?

I'd rather meet you there...

OK, we can meet at 6...

Do you mind choosing the place?

(Yeah, because I don't get out much, Riley thought to herself.)

Sure, Di Sotto's at 6? It's Italian.

I'll see you at 6.


Gabriel knocked then immediately entered Connor's office just as he finished confirming dinner with Riley. Connor must have been grinning like a fool.

"What are you so happy about?" Gabriel plopped down in one of the black leather chairs across from Connor's desk.

"I have a date tonight," Connor smirked.

"Really?" Gabriel's eyebrows shot up. "With who?" Connor grinned. "Wait...the hottie from the elevator?" The smug look on Connor's face was confirmation enough. "What? Aww, man! That should've been me!"

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