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Ann's POV
The last thing I remember was being carried by younger Bakashi to the hospital, was it?

But now I'm in a completely random place. There were dark hallways every way I turn. There was also water flooding on the floor, making me wet up to my ankle.

"Hello..?" I called out as I walked around, aimlessly. I turned a corner and found a slightly brighter hallway that was filled with torches at the side. A voice was coming from the end.

"Hello?!" I called out as I made my pace faster. "Where are you?!" Once I didn't hear a reply, I started sprinting towards the end of the hall. "Heyy!!---"

I suddenly felt a sharp bite to my side as I was also pulled. "Keep quiet!" said... Ariadne?

I landed on my butt and was about to protest, but then she quickly covers my mouth with her paw. I raised a brow and took her paw off my mouth a bit. "Hey, what's going on?!" I whisper-yelled.

She didn't reply and peeked a bit from the corner. "Phew.. he didn't notice us," She sighed in relief as she slumped down.

"He-who's he??" I asked, wide-eyed... "And... where am I?!"

"You're in your own mind," Ariadne explained. "All these hallways are gateways to your memories in your previous life."

"M-my previous life?" I mumbled as I examined some of the dark halls.

"Yes. The reason why some of the hallways are dimly lit is that you're almost forgetting about them," She explained.

"But then.. he came here," She muttered. "Damn him! Giving me more work to keep your memories intact."

"I'll ask again, who's he??" I repeated, getting annoyed bit by bit.

"He--Inoichi Yamanaka," She stated. "He's in your mind right now and he's trying to find your memories."

"W-why would he do that?" I questioned with wide eyes. "Bakashi told me he was gonna bring me to the hospital--"

"That bastard was half-lying!" Ariadne muttered. "He actually brought you into one of the rooms for interrogation! And not to mention, Inoichi was ordered to look into your head by Danzo!-- DANZO! Like, why him of all people?!"


"My Kami! Is that guy even the Kakashi in the future? Like, this Kakashi is such a bastard."

"Ariadne, calm down!" I attempted to reassure her and calm her down but she just kept on mumbling insults under her breath.


"Wait." she looked by the corner again and let out a small gasp as she moved farther away. "He's here," She whispered.

"Quick! You gotta wake up!!" She said in a panic as she turned to face me. "Hurry!!"

"W-wait, Ariadne!--"

The room seemed like it was disappearing, leaving me all alone.

In a blink of an eye, I wasn't in the weird hallway, but instead in an actual hospital bed.

I felt something on my forehead and realized it was bandaged. It seemed like it was for the injury I had when I fought that guy from before.

There were also a few scratches on my face, it was probably from when I was kicked by that same guy.

"Great, now I'm twice as ugly as before," I chuckled to myself before sighing.

"I wouldn't say you're twice as ugly," a voice stated. "I would say maybe.. you became 5 times uglier than before."

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