Chapter 38

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Ann's POV
"Not that I don't miss them or anything, I seriously do. I guess you can say I feel a bit homesick but.. I also feel as if... I have other important priorities," I said as I lifted both my legs up, and leaned my head on to my knees.

"This world is cruel, much crueler than my world actually. I.. just can't stand you people dying for that... no one can."

Itachi didn't say anything and just listened to my words, his expression completely calm as his eyes closed shut. "I have a family. My life is good. I have nothing to get revenge for or anything, really. I'm just one of those few people who have good lives, no drama, no nothing," I stated, leaning into my arm.

"But sometimes that could be a problem, right? You feel as if.. nothing's gonna happen, you're just there for the sake of being there. There's no purpose in your life. Am I... being selfish?" I questioned as my gaze went over to the Uchiha.

"That depends on how you look at it," Itachi stated after some silence. His eyes still remained shut, and his composure still remained calm. "Is that why you're here, right now? Because you'd rather have this life than your other?"


I didn't want to sound that selfish. This is what I want, although it would hurt those from my other world. I wanted to help those from this world, at least, I wanted to try to.

My life isn't that important, but these guys' lives were. And, well, it isn't fair for me to be living such a peaceful life while those who really deserve it aren't.

"Hn." Itachi unexpectedly stood up, making me go alert. My eyes widened when he suddenly tossed a scroll in my direction. "Take it. It has information about the Akatsuki," he informed as he turned away from me, and started walking towards the window, his cloak swishing behind him.

"W-Wait, Itachi.. why?" I questioned, my gaze going down to the scroll on my hands before going back to the Uchiha.

"You said so yourself," he replied, quietly sliding open the window. "You have priorities, I'm sure the Akatsuki is one of them."

"You're helping me..?" I let my feet down to the cold floor as I raised a brow, confused. Itachi was supposed to be an enemy, to get my beast's and all.

"If that's how you see it," was the response I got before Itachi jumped out the window and into the night, leaving me all alone in the room as a breeze brushed by me.

"Itachi.. you're also one of my priorities."

Ann's POV
The news spread like wild-fire. Asuma was not dead, instead, he was just in a bad condition that needed him to be in the hospital for a few days.

Guess what?

Shikamaru and the others actually visited me once. Well, others being Choji, Kurenai, and Ino.

They thanked me for what I did when Asuma was about to die. Especially Ino was passionate about her gratitude, she gave me a hug to which I returned immediately.

Choji gave me a bag of chips, and Shikamaru.. just thanked me normally. So that was nice of them.

And Kurenai.. she gave me a bouquet of flowers. Apparently yellow flowers meant "burst with happiness" as if she was trying to tell me how happy she was through the art of plants.

That was nice too.

"Hm," I let out a small chuckle as I unconsciously brushed my fingers over my lips. The sensation felt rough, considering the fact my hands had a few dry skin here and there, and that was thanks to when I was healing Asuma.

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