Chunin Exam: Part Two

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3rd POV
Ann tightly held the form in her hand as she shook excitedly. Sakura, who was behind her, had a concerned look on her face.

She was worried if Ann was getting nervous about the exam, now that she had to go in alone. Even with Naruto and Sasuke by her side, Sakura was still worried if they would be able to actually make it out alive, while Ann.. she had no one, how much more will she be able to make it?

With some determination pumped into her, she reached out, and grabbed Ann's shoulder lightly, careful as not to frighten her anymore than she probably already is.

"It's alright, Ann. I'm sure you'll--"

"Make it out alive and murder idiot ninjas??" Ann suggested with a sadistic tone. Sakura gulped slightly as Ann had started laughing a bit.

"Ohhh, I'm getting fired up now!!" She stated with a creepy smile on her face.

W-well, at least she isn't nervous...

Sakura retreated her hand from Ann's shoulder, and let it fall to her side.

Though Ann's reaction was totally creepy, Sakura wanted to be like that.. confident in her abilities to win.

Ann.. she's doing this exam alone.. it must be harder for her...

That's why... I have to do my best too!!

Sakura clenched her fists together, trying to think on the positive side more than the negative side.

After all, I have Naruto and Sasuke by my side.

Ann's POV
"All right, now for the rules.." Anko started explaining the rules to everyone, occasionally sparing a glance at me.

Every time she did glance at me, she would give me a sadistic smirk, which I returned multiple times.

In the middle of the explanation, to which I was actually listening to even if I already knew, I suddenly felt a small tug down my sleeve, making me look down.

"Ne ne, are you Naruto-Nii-chan's sister?" Konohamaru questioned as he stared up at me. He had his notebook behind him, so I figured why the hell not? I'll give him an interview if he wants one from me that is.

I nodded, making him let out a sigh of relief. "Actually, I was supposed to interview his other teammate, Sakura. But.." he shivered slightly with a disgusted look on his face. "She's scary!"

"So, can I interview you?" He questioned with sparkles in his eyes.

"Ehh, sure."


"What do you think of your team, Team 7?"

"Hmm, Naruto is my brother... Sakura is my.. close gurlfriend--"

"NaNi?!? That woman's your girlfriend?!"

"NOo!! What I mean is that she's my close friend that's a girl!"

"Ohh, okay. What about that Sasuke guy?"

"You mean Sasugay? He's pretty cool, I guess."

"..Is that all?"

"His hair looks like a duck-butt."



Konohamaru started bursting out laughing, his arm automatically wrapping itself around his stomach, trying to calm down from laughter. But to no avail, that didn't work out, and he started slapping his knee in the midst of his laughing spree.

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