Chapter 14

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Lauren moved back in with Kayla a couple days ago. Xavier had mix feelings about it. He didn't want Lauren to get her by her again and he had a feeling him and Lauren wouldn't last. Lauren broke up with Xavier but nothing is official with Lauren and Kayla. They're taking things slow and Lauren has committed to helping Kayla in anyway she can, she has when gone to therapy with her for support. The two are still madly in love with each other, that's something that hasn't changed in the few months Lauren's been gone.

"Babe I'm gonna go out for a run" Kayla told Lauren grabbing her water bottle with the American flag on it out of the fridge.

"Can I come?" Lauren asked.

"I'm doing 6 miles, can you keep up?"

"I'll be fine"

"Are you sure? I'd take you out running before and you weren't able to make it to two miles"

"Come on please. If I don't keep up with you, you can do whatever you what to me, if i do I can do whatever I want to you" Lauren said seductively, wrapping her arms around Kayla's neck.

"Are you trying to seduce me Cimorelli?" Kayla asked wrapping her arms around Lauren's waist.

"Maybe. Is it working?" Lauren smirked.

"Little bit" Kayla admitted.

"Do we have a deal?"


"Great" Lauren said and placed a soft kiss on Kayla's neck, causing shivers through out her body.


"Holy crap Laur" Kayla said out of breath.

"Told you I'd keep up"

"How did that even"

"Well when I was gone I started working out more as you've seen" Lauren said lifting up her tank top showing her abs starting to form.

"Wow I'm stupid"

"And I believe we had a deal. So let's go home and we'll see what I could do to you"

"Wow I hate you"


"When you said you could do something to me this is not what I meant" Kayla said massaging Lauren's back.

"Mmmmh yea well I do whatever I want to you. That was the deal"

"This is so unfair"


"You're so lucky I love you"

"Love you too sunshine" Lauren said that caused Kayla to smile.


A/N you guys are gonna hate me in the next few chapters probably😂😁😝😘

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