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Sameer's POV

I am waiting for Niyathi at the coffee cafe in the evening. I am overwhelmed with love, hate and guilt. I am feeling oblivious about my own life as Prateek Bhaiya said.

He asked me to go to Niyathi and have a pleasant talk with her.

He feels this is very much necessary for us both, he looks so much disappointed with my talk and my behaviour.

I closed my eyes and tried to recollect his words before she comes.

"I don't believe you said that to her" Prateek Bhaiya is scolding me for an hour.

"I said what she wanted to listen. That's what she wanted me to say. She wants to marry me to make others happy." I said looking away.

"Shut up!" He glared at me.

"Please.." I am begging him to stop for a while, at least he should give me time to gasp for some fresh air.

"What?" He looked at me with a sullen expression as I sat there quietly sneering at his rants.

"Nothing" I lowered my head quickly before he digs another glare at me.

"Sameer" He sat in front me dragging a chair opposite to mine.

He didn't say anything but sat there peering into my eyes.

"What's your problem with her?" He asked me straight away on my face without beating the bush.

"I love her but She doesn't love me the way I love her." I sat there calmly avoiding his gaze.

"Wh...what?" Prateek got shocked by my answer.

"Yes, She doesn't love me, She wants to marry me to make her family happy, my mom happy," I said trying my best not to stutter.

"Ah...Sameer you are unbelievable." He shouted at me this time.

"I am sure about it.." I mumbled lowering my head.

Prateek Bhaiya is looking at me gaping.

"Her eyes are rejecting me all the time, they are hiding pools of emotions in them, maybe she doesn't want this marriage," I spoke whatever I felt at that time.

"Sameer....." Prateek Bhaiya sprang from the chair and almost kicked it.

"Sameer it's all your assumption, No girl would do that, How could you think like that? How could you? You are an idiot" He is searching for words to express his disgust.

"Where was she all these days when she loves me," I questioned him.

"Don't forget that she got ready for this marriage after meeting mom" I looked at him in despair.

"Ridiculous" Prateek Bhaiya stood there clasping his arm.

"She doesn't love me Bhaiya, " I stood there staring at the wall.

I don't know what I am talking for the first time but I am pouring my heart out without any hesitation. I am expressing all my insecurities and doubts.

"Sameer, I never expected this from you, you look very confused, truly oblivious about your own feelings. You are tangled in the mesh of your own thoughts. All are your assumptions." He paused.

"You love her and we all know it, your eyes are saying it aloud. But your heart is not at all ready to forget the rejection it faced on that day." He took my hand and placed it on my heart.

"This is not ready to get rejected again"

"This doesn't want to get hurt again"

"You are afraid of things which wouldn't happen at all. You are dwelling on your past. Forget about it completely. This is a new begging in your life."

"After all it's her life too, she too has a heart. She too doesn't want to get rejected and hurt." His words are like a big slap to me.

His words made me realise that I forgot to see the other side of the coin. I have to think from her perspective too.

"Listen, Marriage is a very big thing Sameer and you can't get into a relationship without love and trust. I don't think you are ready for that big word now." He sighed.

"Think properly before making a decision. Remember, it will affect her life as well as your's."

"Ask her your doubts and don't keep assuming things. What you see and what you listen need not be true all the times." He knitted his brows and sat there thinking.

"Bhaiya" I spoke slowly.

"You have disappointed me Sameer, Where was that Sameer who stood beside me in my tough times? He was very matured and understanding." He frowned shrugging his shoulders.

"Sorry. Bhaiya..!" I sat there biting my lower lip.

"Don't be tensed, think properly. We all want you to be happy." He left me there alone for a while, giving me some time to introspect.

His words are like a tight slap for me. I don't know why I am allowing my past to take over my present. I am bad at forgetting things. It's my biggest problem.

"Stop counting her mistakes. If you truly love her you won't count her mistakes."

"Love is all about forgetting and forgiving"

His words rendered me speechless.

I came here to meet her and ask her father her hand in marriage. But I did something which is really stupid.

To my relief, I saw Niyathi coming to me like a pleasant breeze with a hesitant smile on her lips giving some solace to my strained heart.

I don't know how it came out, But I tried my best to speak out the opinions of Sameer, and show you how confused he is? Hope you like it.Thank you

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