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Sameer POV

I and Prateek are waiting for the driver to come, We had attended a late-night corporate party and waiting for the driver to take us home. I usually don't drink but sometimes it's tough to say a no to drinks just to impress the clients for deals. Even then I simply prefer a can of beer.

But Today I drunk like a fish thinking about Niyathi and her words. I know I have crossed my limit. I don't know what came over me to drink like this.

Thankfully Prateek is there to take care of me. He doesn't drink anything rather than a beer like me. So he is my best companion at pubs and parties. we can call him teetotaller.

"Why does she want to meet me at the office?" I asked Prateek soon we sat into the car.

"I don't know," He frowned.

"It's tough to understand girls and their motives." He chuckled.

I too chuckled back.

"I feel so happy to have Swathi in my life, she is so simple." He said heaving a dreamy sigh.

"She is a sweetheart" I smiled at him thinking about Niyathi.

I just want to see her now. I have seen her a few hours ago at the cafe, I met her in the evening now I feel like I miss her for a lifetime.

"I miss her a lot" I blurted it.

"You are mooning like a lovesick teenager" He is laughing at me crazily.

"Bhaiya." I gave a fake glare.

"Ha ha...." He is laughing so loud making me blush. I never felt like this in my life.

"But why does she want time to say yes?" I asked frowning at him.

"Maybe she wasn't prepared for marriage at this moment." He tried to grin a bit.

"What if she says no?" I asked him suddenly choking at the thought.

"She won't, believe me," Prateek said gently pressing my hand.

"How can you say that?" I asked peeping into his eyes.

"If she is not interested, She will say it straight away on your face"

"Think why will she ask sometime if she doesn't love you?" He looked at me smiling.

I grinned at him happily, his words are like nectar to my ears.

"It means she wants to work on this relationship, She is even willing to give some time to know me, my work, my lifestyle," I said smiling goofily.

"But..."I trailed off and looked at him with a pale face.

"She will say yes and she wants the perfect time to say it." He patted my shoulder.

"Maybe!" I hugged him.

"You drank like a fish" Prateek pushed me away punching my stomach.

"Bhaiya!" I complained like a kid.

"What if Niyathi sees you now?  What will she think about you?" Prateek asked a question which almost caused me a heart attack.

"She will kill me, She won't see my face again in my lifetime," I whispered.

"What?!" Prateek Bhaiya looked at me in shock.

"Yes Bhaiya, She hates alcohol and she has a fear of alcohols and drugs from her childhood. Even her father gave up drinking for her." I said pressing my lips.

"What?" He looked at me in disbelief.

"Yes," I nodded in guilt.

"Sameer, I don't know what to say" He mumbled and sat there in silence.

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