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Niyathi's POV

I gave a hesitant smile as I don't want to start this conversation on a sad note.

"Niyathi" He called my name a bit sweetly this time. It surprised me.

"Tell me Sameer, What do you want to say to me?" I asked him very gently.

"I like you Niyathi, I want you to be my wife. Will you marry me Niyathi?"He smiled a bit and paused for a second making me blush.

"If you say a yes I will ask your father your hand in marriage" He too spoke very gently this time. I couldn't stop blushing at his confession. I know its hard to stop.

"I have been waiting for this day for a couple of years, Sameer" I confessed it finally giving some peace to my heart.

"I know you like me and I badly want to hear these words from you." I looked into his eyes for a second.

He is smiling at me, We sat in silence for a while. It's obvious that we love each other but none of us is ready to confess it first.

But what is stopping him from confessing it? But why did he kiss me without my consent? I looked at him with suspicion.

"Is everything okay?" He felt offended and asked me quickly knitting his brows.

"Nothing....!" I shook my head and looked away.

"Then what is your answer Niyathi?" He asked me quickly.

"I don't know...I don't know why I couldn't say yes heartfully. You hurt me with your words and actions Sameer. "I mumbled lowering my head.

"What?" He sat there looking away and squeezing his eyes shut trying to hide the disappointment in his face.

It's evident that we don't want to hurt each other but someone or something is stopping us from confessing our love towards each other.

"I am sorry...I don't want to hurt you but I need to ask you a few things? I mean I need to learn a few more things about you. I think we need to spend some time to know each other." I spoke slowly trying to look at his face. Hurting him with my words is not my intention.

He looks embarrassed and worried.

I felt sad and pity at him. He is such a complicated guy.

"Do you want some time to think?" He spoke after a second trying to process my words.

I sat there staring at him with a blank face.

"I think you need some time" He gave a fake smile, I just smiled back at him.

How can I ask him about his habits? How can I ask him about that kiss? I sat there biting my lip. I think this is not the time.

He averted his gaze towards my lips, he noticed my hand quivering hard.

"I think I need to leave, I can see you are worried about all these things. I don't want to force you." He is about to stand.

"Sameer, Please wait" I grinned a bit.

"You are right, I need some time, We need some time," I spoke in a desperate tone, I know I can't disappoint him all the time.

"Thank God!" I heard him mumbling and heaving a sigh out of relief.

"This is what I wanted to say, finally you got it." I lied with so much of efforts.

"I know everything happened in a hurry. Don't worry, I will convince Mom. She will understand." He smiled assuringly.

His smile is truly tantalising

"Thanks" I smiled.

He just nodded his head in return.

"Can I ask you one thing Sameer?" I asked him after a second.

"You can Niyathi," He called my name affectionately this time.

For a second we felt everything back in place, so normal.

"Why were you so angry with me last time? "I looked into his eyes.

He didn't answer but sat there impatiently.

I know he is avoiding my question.

"Leave it please," He sat tapping his leg in irritation.

"It's okay!" I shook my head.

"Excuse me, " He took his phone into his hand and started checking a few messages on his phone.

I sat there observing his actions, he looks so professional and deadly handsome.

"Sameer, Can I come to your office once." I blurted it so suddenly.

"What?" He got surprised by my words and kept his phone aside.

"Yes, I want to come to your office once," I asked trying to sound casual.

"You can Niyathi, What's there to ask?" He smiled with a tensed face.

He looked so cute for a second.

He is trying so hard to hide the shock and surprise in his face.

"Shall I come tomorrow?" I asked him quickly giving him no time to think.

I liked surprising him with my words.

I felt a kind of pleasure in it.

This time I don't want to make it so easy for him. I smiled inwardly.

"Yes, you can.." He sighed and smiled a bit.

"Thank you." I smiled back with excitement.

"Shall we move to?" He asked me for picking up his car keys and mobile.

I can't stop adoring at his habit of twirling keys all the time.

"Sure," I said quickly grabbing my things.

We stood up and walked together to the parking area in comfortable silence.

"I will be waiting for your call, I will be waiting for you at my office," Sameer said getting into his car.

I didn't say anything but smiled back at him.

He waited for me to start first.

I started my bike and left the place without looking back at him.

I saw him staring at me through the mirror.

A smile crept on my lips silently.

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